  • Release notes
Orchestrator Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 14, 2024

February 2023

28 February 2023

Viewing Studio package applications in Orchestrator

The applications used by Studio packages are now retrieved by Orchestrator. You can therefore see them listed in the following places:

27 February 2023

Tags management hub

We now offer a central location for managing the tags you use throughout our services. The aptly named Tags page is available in the Admin section of your Automation Cloud account, at the tenant level. It allows you to add, edit, and remove tags from one single location, eliminating the need to repeatedly access individual objects for tagging purposes.

22 February 2023

Host feed changes

The URL of the official host feed for packages will be changed to https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/uipath/Public.Feeds/_packaging/UiPath-Official/nuget/v3/index.json, and the Myget feed will be deprecated. This change will be applied on 2 May for Enterprise users.

If you are using a firewall, make sure to add https://pkgs.dev.azure.com to the allow list. Otherwise, you will no longer be able to download official UiPath libraries.

Personal workspace exploration updates

We have introduced two new options that grant Orchestrator administrators control over stopping the exploration of personal workspaces:

  • Automatically stop exploring Personal Workspaces after - The process of exploring personal workspaces can now be stopped automatically after a configurable amount of time.
  • Stop all active sessions for exploring Personal Workspaces - All currently active exploration sessions can be stopped.

    Both options are available via the tenant settings (General tab > Personal Workspaces section).

Retention policy for process data

Now you can set a custom default retention policy for your jobs. You can choose either to permanently delete old jobs, or move them to a designated storage bucket and have them available for future access. Doing so, you free up the database in an organized manner and your Orchestrator performs better. But you should be aware that even if you do not configure your own policy, a default one still applies.


  • two new retention columns are available for selection in the Processes > Columns filter, to help you quickly identify the existing policy of a process
  • a new alert is available for email subscriptions on the Alert preferences page, to inform you about process retention failures

Discover the retention policy tips and tricks on our documentation page.


  • Deleted tenants are now ignored by the operation that updates queue items statuses. This prevents scenarios where queue item transitions could be blocked when a tenant without a feed is detected.
  • We know logs are the core of debugging and identifying faulty behaviors. This improved Orchestrator functionality allows you to access the logs across all job executions of a particular process. See how in our documentation.

Bug fixes

  • When you exported a folder role, the tenant-level permissions of that role were also exported. This issue is now fixed.

8 February 2023


Creation time columns for jobs

We have added two new time columns to the Jobs grid, displaying either the relative or absolute time of when a job was created. Make sure to select these columns on the Columns filter, as they are not visible by default.

Name and description for Webhooks

Identify your webhooks more rapidly! We added the Name (mandatory) and Description (optional) fields to the create and edit webhook flows in the UI. Existing webhooks receive a name based on their GUID, such as Webhook-c42b72b1-17fb-4643-ab9c-1bd2102f0ff6.

These parameters are available in the API as well, plus a mandatory Key parameter, with the following mentions:

  • The Name parameter will be optional until the 2023.4 on-prem release. After 2023.4, you'll be required to provide names for webhooks created via the POST odata/Webhooks endpoint.
  • The mandatory Key parameter is a unique identifier of the webhook in our system, therefore it cannot be changed.
  • If you do not provide a name for your webhook in the POST payload, one will be automatically generated, by appending the Key value to Webhook. For example, Webhook-c42b72b1-17fb-4643-ab9c-1bd2102f0ff6.

Read more details in our documentation.

6 February 2023

EDR Protection Status

The status of the integration between UiPath Robots and the CrowdStrike Falcon endpoint protection platform is now visible in Orchestrator, in a new column, named EDR Protection.

This column is available in the Machines and the Installed Versions & Logs pages at the tenant level, and it displays the integration status for each machine that a robot is connected to. The available statuses are:

  • Enabled - CrowdStrike protection is enabled.
  • N/A - CrowdStrike protection is not enabled or the status is not known.
  • Mixed (only in the Machines page, and only for machine templates) - CrowdStrike protection is only enabled on some host machines, and disabled on others, or the status is not available.

When can I see these changes?

The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.

If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon, after we roll out changes to all the regions.

Deprecation Timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

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