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Orchestrator release notes

August 2024

August 28, 2024

Renaming robot accounts

You can now rename your robot account after creating it.

Since the username of a robot account is permanent, and cannot be changed after it is set, the Username column also remains unchanged. For example, if you rename the robot from Test to Test1, only the Name column updates with the new value, leaving the Username unchanged. For more information, refer to Adding robot accounts.

August 21, 2024

Removing host license endpoints

We have removed all /odata/HostLicenses endpoints, as they were outdated, and inaccessible by Automation Cloud. However, there is no disruption to API compatibility.

August 13, 2024

Launching the Orchestrator Credentials Proxy version 2.1.0

Version 2.1.0 of the Orchestrator Credentials Proxy is now available for download from the Customer Portal.

This new release features two important updates:
  • The ASP.NET core version used by the proxy has been upgraded to 8.
  • The proxy now supports CyberArk® Conjur Cloud.

Check out The Orchestrator Credentials Proxy for complete details.

Known issue

This only applies in scenarios where the Orchestrator Credentials Proxy port is set to a different value than the default 443.

When you upgrade from any version between 1.0.0 and 2.0.1, and you have used a custom port, the local port in the UiPathOrchestratorCredentialsProxy inbound rule is automatically changed to 443, which is the default. This prevents the connection to the proxy from being established.

To work around this, you need to manually change the local port in the inbound rule upon upgrade.

The issue will be fixed in the next Orchestrator Credentials Proxy version.

August 6, 2024

Queue item export update

You can now retrieve the exception details field when exporting queue items.

Bug fixes

  • When attempting to remove a license from the tenant's License tab, an error related to the HTTP failure response would occur. This issue was caused by the Remove button being displayed when, in fact, it should not have been available. To avoid further issues, we have removed both the Update and Remove buttons from the License tab.
  • You could not filter logs by MachineId in the RobotLogs table of the Orchestrator database.
  • The Process filter on the Logs page did not include the process names of automations that were run in Studio.

When can I see these changes?

The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.

If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon, after we roll out changes to all the regions.

Deprecation timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

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