  • Release notes
Orchestrator Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 14, 2024

July 2024

July 23, 2024

Cloud robots upgraded to .NET 8 framework

Automation Cloud™ Robots virtual machines now run with Robot version 2024.10.1, which uses the .NET 8 framework.

However, the exact framework used depends on your VM pool's Software update settings:

  • Machines set to Instant auto-update (recommended) get an automatic upgrade to .NET 8-framework Robots.

  • Machines set to Delayed auto-update continue using .NET 6-framework Robots until the next Robot version is released. This may cause errors when running Studio Web or Studio 2024.10.1 projects. To avoid these errors, change the upgrade mechanism to Instant auto-update (recommended). For details, refer to the compatibility matrix.

July 22, 2024

Increased audit search character limit

The character limit for searching in the tenant Audit window has been increased to 64.

Key-value pair enhancement

You can now create new values by using pre-existing ones.

In a property (i.e., a key-value pair), you can now choose a previously created value and simply edit it to create a new one. This means that you no longer have to build new values from scratch.

This enhancement is particularly helpful when using long, intricate values, eliminating the risk for potential errors.

Enforcing Solutions permissions immutability

The Solutions Administrator and the Solutions Contributor roles cannot be altered in any way. To make sure that this is obvious in the interface, we have made a couple of visual changes:

  • The permissions included in these roles are still selected, but their checkboxes are now greyed out.

  • The Duplicate & customize contextual menu item for each Solutions role is greyed out.

Auto-retry for failed and abandoned transactions

We have split the auto-retry mechanism into two options, as follows:

  • Failed items - retries any queue items that fail after creating the queue.
  • Abandoned items - retries abandoned queue items based on the value specified in the Max # of retries field.

For more details, refer to Managing queues in Orchestrator.

Renaming robot accounts


Erratum - added July 25, 2024

This change has not made it into the current release, as initially announced. We still need to iron out a few kinks, and we'll reenable it soon. We will let you know as soon as we do.

You can now rename your robot account after creating it. However, the Username column remains unchanged. For example, if you rename the robot from Test to Test1, only the Name column updates with the new value, leaving the Username unchanged. For more information, refer to Adding robot accounts.

Bug fixes

The screen reader version of the Create new menu included items that were greyed out in the user interface. Now, if a menu item is not available for any reason, the screen reader also skips it.

July 16, 2024

Rolling out rate limits to Community and Canary tenants

Community and Canary tenants now have the following rate limits enforced for the GET/odata/Jobs/?<filters> and GET/odata/QueueItems/?<filters> endpoints:
  • 100 requests/minute/tenant for non-automation usage, i.e. API calls originating from API integrations outside of processes, such as PowerShell scripts and third party monitoring tools
  • 1,000 requests/minute/tenant for automation usage, i.e. API calls originating from Get Queue Items, Get Jobs, and Orchestrator Http Request activities

Check out Rate limits for context.

July 9, 2024

Manually deleting In Progress queue items

We are happy to announce that you can now manually delete In Progress queue items from the Transactions window. This option comes highly requested, and we are confident that it will make your automation lives easier. All you need to do is select the desired queue items, then click Remove, just like you would for items with other statuses.

Exporting API audit data

The API audit monitoring tab has been enhanced with the option to download the last 7 days' worth of audit data as a .csv report. This is possible via the new Export report button, which includes two options: QueueItems and Jobs. The resulting report is automatically downloaded in the background, and is also available on the My reports page.

Find out more about:

Improved identification of resource types

Note: Erratum - added September 12, 2024

This option was not enabled at the time we announced it, but will soon be available for everyone. We will come back with news shortly.

When searching for resources within your tenant, the Type column now displays the resource category, such as:

  • Trigger (Time)
  • Trigger (Queue)
  • Trigger (Event)
  • Machine (Template)
  • Machine (ACR VM)
  • Machine (ACR Serverless)

Removing large data fields from GetAll - Jobs for Enterprise tenants

We have started the gradual Enterprise rollout to remove large data fields from GetAll - Jobs endpoint responses. As a result, the GetAll - Jobs endpoint will no longer return InputArguments and OutputArguments. If non-Canary tenants present unexpected changes, reach out to our product support team.

Bug fixes

The Robot parameter was missing from QueueItem.transactionCompleted webhook events.

July 3, 2024

Automation Cloud Robots now available for Public Sector

We are excited to announce a significant milestone in our journey - the expansion of our platform to the public sector. The same platform that has powered commercial enterprises for years is now ready to empower public sector organizations.

Compliance: Automation Cloud™ Robots-VM for Public Sector are fully compliant with industry standards, including FedRAMP, ensuring the highest level of data security. Your data is protected with FIPS 140-2 validated encryption.

Product offering: To explore our complete product offering, please visit the Automation Cloud™ for Public Sector documentation that lists all available products.

Documentation: For your convenience, UiPath® offers a separate dedicated set of documentation tailored to the public sector flavor. To access this specialized documentation, simply choose the Public Sector delivery option from the delivery selector in the header of the documentation portal.

Solutions Management banner

Orchestrator now includes a banner linking to Solutions Management. Depending on your permissions, the banner links to the product or to information about it. Moreover, the banner is displayed only once per user and it disappears upon closing.

July 1, 2024

Introducing enhanced real-time monitoring

We've heard your feedback and are thrilled to announce the new and improved Orchestrator monitoring experience.

The Machines, Processes, and Queues tabs in the tenant- and folder-level Monitoring window now feature a new and enhanced real-time monitoring view, which can be toggled using the Enhanced monitoring option available on the aforementioned tabs.

This view includes detailed real-time information based on Insights dashboards, allowing you to keep a close eye on all things automation, thus taking necessary action if needed.

You can find out more by checking out these Insights documentation pages:

This view is the default for Community organizations, and it requires opt-in for Enterprise organizations.

Note that it will soon be the default for everyone, and the only available view in the future.

Updates on rate limits and their rollout plan


Erratum - added July 11, 2024

We have made the decision to start removing the InputArguments and OutputArguments data fields from the GET/odata/Jobs endpoint a little earlier than announced. As mentioned in this release note, the rollout to Enterprise tenants was kickstarted on July 9 for some regions.

Rate limit rollout will continue as initially announced.

In an effort to ensure that you can keep running automations without interruptions or hiccups, we have added a new rate limit layer: automation usage, specifically usage originating from Get Queue Items and Get Jobs activities, will be capped at 1,000 API requests/minute/tenant, instead of 100.


This is what you can expect for the month of July in terms of implementation:



Rollout to Community and Canary tenants

Rollout to Enterprise tenants

GET/odata/Jobs/?<filters>Calls to this enpoint will be capped at 100 requests/minute/tenant for non-automation usage, and at 1,000 requests/minute/tenant for automation usage. July 15Starting with July 22, on a rolling basis until the end of the month
GET/odata/QueueItems/?<filters>Calls to this enpoint will be capped at 100 requests/minute/tenant for non-automation usage, and at 1,000 requests/minute/tenant for automation usage. July 15Starting with July 22, on a rolling basis until the end of the month
GET/odata/JobsThe InputArguments and OutputArguments data fields will be omitted from this endpoint. N/AStarting with July 22, on a rolling basis until the end of the month
For details, see Rate limits.

When can I see these changes?

The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.

If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon, after we roll out changes to all the regions.

Deprecation timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

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