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Orchestrator release notes

February 2024

February 29, 2024

Orchestrator Credentials Proxy 2.0.1

A new version of the Orchestrator Credentials Proxy, namely 2.0.1, is now available for download from the Customer Portal.

On top of various security updates and patches meant to address Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), this version also includes a fix for an issue that prevented the loading of custom credential store plugins when they referenced UiPath.Orchestrator.Extensibility as a Nuget package instead of a direct file reference.

February 27, 2024

Updated JSON elements styling

We have updated the styling of JSON elements in our user interface, shifting from blue text, which resembled hyperlinks, to a regular text format. This change is meant to enhance clarity and usability, as the blue text caused confusion among users who mistook non-clickable items for interactive elements.

You can see this change in such windows as Audit Data, Job Details, Log Details, and Transaction Details, among others.

By standardizing the styling to regular text format, we aim to provide a more intuitive web browsing experience, and to remove ambiguity.

New text format in the Audit Data window

February 19, 2024

Personal automations setup changes

The Personal automations setup tab featured in the role assignment window has undergone a few important changes:

  • The Enable a Personal Workspace for this user option has been renamed to Create a personal workspace for this user and enable optimal Studio Web experience.

  • The Create a personal workspace for this user and enable optimal Studio Web experience option is no longer selected by default when enabling personal automations.

  • Deselecting the Enable user to run automations option triggers a warning message which informs you that doing so will affect any running automations, and could downgrade your Studio Web experience.

Warning message displayed when deselecting Enable user to run automations

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Side panel Triggers tab is now Resume conditions

The Triggers tab available in the job side panel has been renamed to Resume conditions.

Trigger execution frequency revamp

The frequency selector in the time trigger creation or editing window has been updated in both look and feel, as well as in functionality. You will notice that the menu item is now compact, and that a new option, Monthly (day of month), has been added, allowing you to select the desired date of the month.

This is a look at the previous frequency component, as well as to the new menu, along with the options it includes.

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For details, see Creating a time trigger.

Enhancing job sources

The Source filter on the Jobs page now includes Apps, Studio, and API trigger, allowing you to further filter the job to display.

February 16, 2024

Pausing multi-select filters

We have recently announced the reshaping of the Process and State filters on the Jobs page into multi-select lists. However, we are now reverting to their previous format while we iron out a few unexpected kinks. It should not take long, though - we will get back with news as soon as this is fixed.

February 6, 2024

Job logs window display changes

The newly revamped logs display has been improved for even more ease of use. Its expanded version now displays the name of the underlying process in the window breadcrumbs, and, as a consequence, the Process column has been removed.

Process name in the window breadcrumbs

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Displaying the webhook name

When you try to disable a webhook, its name is now displayed in the Confirm action window. Previously, it was identified by its URL.

API triggers general availability

The ability to run jobs via API by employing API triggers is now generally available.

For details, see the initial announcement, Running jobs via API calls.

Multi-select jobs filters

The Process and State filters available on the Jobs page are now rendered as multi-select lists, allowing you to choose more than one option for the data to display in your grids.

When can I see these changes?

The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.

If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon, after we roll out changes to all the regions.

Deprecation timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

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