- Release notes

Orchestrator release notes
May 2020
You can now preview any changes made to the header color and logo such that you can adjust them accordingly before saving your changes.
We now perform a couple of additional validations upon uploading test automation packages. In order to successfully upload such a package or package version make sure the following:
- The package contains at least one entry point.
- The project type is the same in between different versions of the same package.
As users are added at Automation Cloud level, your Orchestrator service's Users page was enriched with a link that takes you to the Services page within Cloud Portal.
On the Packages page, you'll notice a new column identifying the project type, enabling you at a glance to identify StudioX created business processes and Test Suite automations al alongside traditional RPA projects.
A notable addition in this release includes Action Center support for modern folders. If up until now you were restricted to only using it in classic folders, from now on you can take advantage of all Action Center goodies regardless of the folder type.
We also added a new page exclusively for the Action Admins in your company, such that they are easily able to allocate and assign actions to any Action User from a centralized location.