  • Release notes
Orchestrator Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 14, 2024

June 2020

30 June 2020


To improve Orchestrator response times, you can now configure a storage bucket to add large images into when parameterizing the corresponding Create Form Task activity. Make sure to correctly configure CORS/CSP settings in order to be able to access storage files.

The X-UiPath-OrganizationUnitId header is no longer mandatory when making GET requests to the /odata/TestSetExecutions endpoint. As such, you can now retrieve all test set executions across the folders you belong to, and only specify the header to retrieve executions belonging to a specific folder.

Known Issue

The Explore Package option within the Packages page is disabled when using the Internet Explorer browser.

23 June 2020

Access Control Model Facelift

Our continuous quest to provide effortless usage of Automation Cloud led to the makeover of our access control model. This brings a couple of changes in user management, nothing scary, just a couple of touch-ups meant to ease the entire experience, starting from inviting a user into your organization, ending with granting them specific access levels.

In addition to offering granular levels of access control per individual service, Automation Cloud reduces the need to specify explicit access control levels by providing default access rights for typical scenarios.

For this reason we provide four different user groups with specific access levels for their members. Although the groups come with predefined sets of permissions, these can be at any time customized according to your needs on a per-service basis. The access level of a user is relative to the group membership and also relative to the permission configuration made for that group in Orchestrator services.

  • When a user tries to access certain services, the system makes an access-permit decision depending on the user's membership.
  • When a user tries to access or use certain resources in a service, the system makes an access-permit decision based on the roles of the user, which can be either inherited from the group or granted explicitly.

    Obviously, you can still take advantage of the granularity in adding users individually to a service, provided the user has been added beforehand in your Automation Cloud organization. Remember this is now performed at service level, and not from the Automation Cloud portal.

    docs image
    Here are a couple of things you need to remember about adjusting your organization to take advantage of the new feature. Or not.
  • For the services created as of today, user groups are automatically created and come with the default set of permissions.
  • For your preexisting services, you need to add and configure the user groups yourself in each service.
  • If you don't want to harness the benefits of groups in your existing services, leave the users to the default vanilla group called Everyone, which by default doesn't have any specific access right to any service. Any permissions are managed individually for each user.
Important: Changes made to group membership are synced with Orchestrator at every log in, or once every hour for active user sessions.

2 June 2020


We've taken your feedback into account and renamed some of the predefined roles available on the Settings page.

Old Name

New Name

Enable Folder Administration

Allow to be Folder Administrator

Enable Running Automations

Allow to be Automation User

Breaking Changes

When making POST calls to the odata/Assets endpoint, the contents of your request must be provided as a JSON file.
  • 30 June 2020
  • Improvements
  • Known Issue
  • 23 June 2020
  • Access Control Model Facelift
  • 2 June 2020
  • Improvements
  • Breaking Changes

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