  • Release notes
Orchestrator Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 14, 2024

October 2024

October 14, 2024

New options for transaction-related job details

The Transactions page now includes two new options: View creator job and View executor job, which display information about the job that created or executed the queue item. For more details, refer to Transactions overview.

Hiding permissions for orphaned robots

To enhance operational efficiency, we have hidden the Check Folders and Permissions option for orphaned robots, where the owner no longer exists as a user in Orchestrator.

Removing the GetConnectionString endpoint

We removed the GetConnectionString endpoint from the Settings API because it was outdated.

Scenarios for rate limit alerts

We have enhanced the scenarios where we send alerts for exceeding rate limits. You can now expect to be notified in the following cases:
  • When you exceed 100 API requests/minute/tenant through non-automation usage. Non-automation usage refers to API calls originating from API integrations outside of processes, such as PowerShell scripts and third party monitoring tools.
  • When you exceed 1,000 API requests/minute/tenant through automation usage. Automation usage Automation usage refers to API calls originating from Get Queue Items, Get Jobs, and Orchestrator Http Request activities.

Removing the EnableAutopilotHealing parameter

The EnableAutopilotHealing parameter included in the following API DTOs has been removed:
  • JobDto (ProcessSettingsDto)
  • StartProcessDto
  • RestartJobRequest

To benefit from this change, you need to regenerate your swagger file.

October 9, 2024

Onboarding Orchestrator to Notification Service

Notification Service is UiPath®'s proprietary alerting system, which provides a comprehensive, yet cohesive experience around notifications across all your services.

With several products already onboarded, it is now Orchestrator's turn to benefit from what Notification Service has to offer.

You can read more about this in My notifications and Managing notifications.

What is changing?

  • All notifications are managed from the Preferences section of your platform environment.

    Figure 1. .

    The Preferences section

    docs image
  • The tenant-level Alerts section is no longer available.

  • You have the option to receive notifications:

    • by severity level.

    • for particular folders.

What is not changing?

  • The events for which you can choose to be notified remain the same.

  • You still have the option to receive notifications within the product, via email, or both.

  • The permissions required for subscribing to and receiving notifications do not change.

  • The performance and thoroughness that you are used to from our previous alerting system is carried over to Notification Service.

October 7, 2024

Solutions Management accessible via Orchestrator

You can now access Solutions Management through Orchestrator, besides Automation Ops. Irrespective of which entry point you choose, you have access to the same comprehensive functionality that enables you to create, configure, deploy, and transport solutions.

However, keep in mind that if you access Solutions Management via Orchestrator, your tenant selection is the same as the one for Orchestrator. When accessing it via Automation Ops, you can select your preferred tenant.

October 1, 2024

Announcing export limits

As part of our efforts to ensure optimal performance levels, we have made the decision to introduce a daily limit on exports. Specifically, the following export types are now limited to 100 per day per tenant:

  • Audit logs
  • Queue transactions
  • Logs
  • Jobs

Once that limit is exceeded, a #4502 error will be displayed, stating that the daily limit per tenant has been reached.

The limit resets at 00:00 UTC.

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