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Actividades de productividad
Last updated 13 de sep. de 2024

Assign Sensitivity Label



Assign a sensitivity label to a specified file.


Esta actividad requiere los siguientes ámbitos:

  • Archivos.leerEscribir todo


  • Sitios. LeerEscribir.todo

Compatibilidad de proyectos

Windows | Multiplataforma


  • Conexión a Microsoft OneDrive y SharePoint: la conexión de la cuenta de Microsoft 365 que se utilizará en la actividad.
  • File - The file to assign a sensitivity label to. This field supports IResource type input.
  • Action - The action to be applied for the sensitivity label:
    • Add - Add sensitivity label to file. Default value.
    • Clear - Clear the sensitivity label from a file.
    • Update - Update a file's sensitivity label.
  • Justification - Justification text for the sensitivity label change. This field is displayed if you select the Clear or Update actions. This field supports String type input.
  • Sensitivity label ID - The sensitivity label ID to be assigned to the specified file. This field supports String type input.
    Note: Contact your administrator to get the list of IDs for the sensitivity labels used across your organization.
  • Wait to complete action - Wait until the action performed for the sensitivity label is completed. Boolean value. Default value is Off (False). Due to a Graph API limitation, it may take a while (up to several minutes) for the action to be completed.
  • Descripción
  • Compatibilidad de proyectos
  • Configuración

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