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Activités de workflow

Dernière mise à jour 18 déc. 2024

Delete File from Record Field (New)


Deletes a file from the specified field of a Data Service entity record.

If no file is present in the specified location, the activity returns no output.

This activity is equivalent to the activity of the same name in the pre 24.10 Data Service activities package.

Compatibilité du projet

Windows | Multiplate-forme


  • Data Service connection - Select the Data Service connection you established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to select, add, or manage connections.

  • Entity - Select the Data Service entity you want to use with the activity. This property supports entities imported from Data Service, or TypeArgument for ImportedEntities type input.
  • Field - Select the file type field of the entity record where you want to delete the file. This property supports String type input.
  • Record Id - Select the ID of the entity record where you want to delete the file. You can find the ID on the Data Service > Entity > Data page. This property supports GUID type input.
  • Description
  • Compatibilité du projet
  • Propriétés

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