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Activités de workflow
Last updated 22 oct. 2024

TestingOptions.CompareText Class

Use this class to configure options for comparing documents with the VerifyTextEquivalence API.


Namespace: UiPath.Testing.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api (in UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api.dll)


public class TestingOptions : CompareTextpublic class TestingOptions : CompareText


public TestingOptions.CompareDocuments()public TestingOptions.CompareDocuments()
Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe TestingOptions.CompareText .


AdditionalOutputFilePath Chaîne de caractères (string)
Path to the additional output file. Needs to be set if OutputDiffType is PDF.
ContinueOnError Booléen
Specifies if the automation should continue even when the method throws an error.
OutputDiffType DocumentOutputDiffType
The format in which you want to show the differences between texts.
OutputFilePath Chaîne de caractères (string)
The path to the output file that shows the differences between texts.
Règles List<ComparisonRule>
List of rules to be applied. They can be of type RegexRule or WildcardRule.
WordSeparators Chaîne de caractères (string)
The characters that should be considered as word separators in the comparison process. For example, if the texts you are comparing commonly use a period (.) or backslashes (/) for separating words, then you can define these as word separators. By default, the separators are ". , ! ? : \n".


These are the methods you can use to configure the text comparison options.


Configure if the automation should continue even when the method throws an error.


Namespace: UiPath.Testing.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api (in UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api.dll)


    bool continueOnError
    bool continueOnError
continueOnError Booléen
Précise si l’automatisation doit se poursuivre même si la méthode génère une erreur. Ce paramètre prend uniquement en charge les valeurs booléennes (true, false). La valeur par défaut est false. Par conséquent, si le paramètre est vide et qu’une erreur est générée, l’exécution du projet s’arrête. Si le champ indique au true, l'exécution du projet se poursuit même en cas d'erreur.


Generates an HTML file with the highlighted differences identified between the two documents or texts.


Namespace: UiPath.Testing.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api (in UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api.dll)


    string filePath
    string filePath
CheminFichier Chaîne de caractères (string)
The path of the HTML file that stores the differences identified when comparing the documents or texts.


If set to True, ignores any Regex rule that you configured for the Rules parameter. This allows you to exclude certain parts of the texts or documents that you are comparing.


Namespace: UiPath.Testing.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api (in UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api.dll)

WithIgnoreRegexRule(string, string, [bool])

    string ruleName,
    string regexPattern,
    [bool usePlaceholders = true]
    string ruleName,
    string regexPattern,
    [bool usePlaceholders = true]
ruleName Chaîne de caractères (string)
The name of the rule, as you configured it in the list of Rules, that you want to ignore in the comparison process.
regexPattern Chaîne de caractères (string)
The actual regex that represents the ruleName previously entered.
usePlaceholder Booléen (facultatif)
If set to True it replaces the ignored part of a document or text with a placeholder value. The placeholder value is the ruleName. By default, this parameter is set to true.


If set to True, ignores any wild card rule that you configured for the Rules parameter. This allows you to exclude certain parts of the texts or documents that you are comparing.


Namespace: UiPath.Testing.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api (in UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api.dll)

WithIgnoreWildcardRule(string, string, bool)

    string ruleName,
    string wildcardPattern,
    [bool usePlaceholder = true]
    string ruleName,
    string wildcardPattern,
    [bool usePlaceholder = true]
ruleName Chaîne de caractères (string)
The name of the rule, as you configured it in the list of Rules, that you want to ignore in the comparison process.
wildcardPattern Chaîne de caractères (string)
The actual wildcard that represents the ruleName previously entered.
usePlaceholder Booléen (facultatif)
If set to True it replaces the ignored part of a document or text with a placeholder value. The placeholder value is the ruleName. By default, this parameter is set to true.


Specify the characters that you want to define as word separators. The characters must be stored in a string.


Namespace: UiPath.Testing.API.Models

Assembly: UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api (in UiPath.Testing.Activities.Api.dll)


    string wordSeparators
    string wordSeparators
wordSeparators Chaîne de caractères (string)
The string containing the characters that you want to consider as word separators.

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