Guía de usuario de Studio
Last updated 28 de jun. de 2024

About the testCases.json file

testCases.json is a file automatically generated when packaging as a NUPKG a project of type Process, that contains test cases. The file contains metadata regarding your RPA testing project.
In the NUPKG file of the project, you can find the testCases.json file in the .tmh directory.
The parameters contained in the testCases.json file are described in the following table:
PackageNameName of the package.
PackageVersionVersion of the package.
ProjectIdUnique identifier of the project.
RpaPackageNameName of the RPA package created.
RpaPackageVersionVersion of the RPA package.
TestCasesArray that lists the test cases for the given process. For each test case, the following information is included:
  • AutomationId: Unique identifier for the automation.
  • RpaPackageEntryPoints: This is an array listing entry points for the RPA package, including the ID and workflow name.
  • TestCaseName: The name of the test case.
TypeType of project, which is always Process.
WorkflowsArray that lists the workflows related to the test cases, including the ID for the entry point, the name, and the type of workflow.


The following is an example of the contents of a testCases.json file included in a project packaged from Studio.
    "PackageName": "Testsuite_Tests",
    "PackageVersion": "1.0.162152358",
    "ProjectId": "<projectid>",
    "RpaPackageName": "Testsuite",
    "RpaPackageVersion": "1.0.162145743",
    "TestCases": [
            "AutomationId": "<id>",
            "RpaPackageEntryPoints": [
                    "Id": "<id>",
                    "WorkflowName": "Main.xaml"
            "RpaWorkflows": [
            "TestCaseName": "TestCase.xaml"
    "Type": "Process",
    "Workflows": [
            "EntryPointId": "<entrypointid>",
            "Name": "Main.xaml",
            "Type": "EntryPoint"
    "PackageName": "Testsuite_Tests",
    "PackageVersion": "1.0.162152358",
    "ProjectId": "<projectid>",
    "RpaPackageName": "Testsuite",
    "RpaPackageVersion": "1.0.162145743",
    "TestCases": [
            "AutomationId": "<id>",
            "RpaPackageEntryPoints": [
                    "Id": "<id>",
                    "WorkflowName": "Main.xaml"
            "RpaWorkflows": [
            "TestCaseName": "TestCase.xaml"
    "Type": "Process",
    "Workflows": [
            "EntryPointId": "<entrypointid>",
            "Name": "Main.xaml",
            "Type": "EntryPoint"
  • Ejemplo

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