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IT Automation Activities

Last updated Mar 7, 2025

Classic Activities

This section includes Server Virtualization related activities found in the UiPath.VMware.Activities package.


Connects to a VMware server and provides a scope for all subsequent activities.
Retrieves details of a given Datastore from a specified Host.
Retrieves a list containing all the Datastores of a specified Host.
Retrieves details of a given Host from the specified Datacenter.
Retrieves a list of all the Hosts in a specified Datacenter.
Deletes all the snapshots of a specified virtual machine.
Deletes a specified snapshot of a virtual machine.
Retrieves all the snapshots of a specified virtual machine.
Reverts a specified virtual machine to a given snapshot. If no snapshot is specified, the virtual machine remains unchanged.
Creates a snapshot for a specified virtual machine.
Connects the Robot in a given Virtual Machine to Orchestrator.
Creates a new virtual machine based on an existing template.
Converts a template to a virtual machine.
Converts a specified virtual machine to a template.
Customizes the Guest OS of a given virtual machine.
Deletes a specified virtual machine or template from the disk.
Retrieves details about the specified virtual machine or template.
Provides the list of virtual machines from a given folder.
This activity powers off a virtual machine.
This activity suspends a running virtual machine.
This activity runs a program in a given virtual machine.
This activity restarts a virtual machine.
This activity renames a virtual machine.
This activity powers on a virtual machine.
This activity moves a virtual machine or template to a new location.
This activity migrates a virtual machine to another host and/or datastore.
This activity obtains the list of templates from a given folder.
This activity exports a virtual machine as an OVF Template.
Deploys an OVF Template to a virtual machine.
Assigns a tag to a virtual machine or template.
Removes a tag from a virtual machine or template.
Assigns a tag to a folder.
Removes a tag from a folder.
Creates a new VM and Template folder.
Retrieves the details of a folder.
Renames a folder.
Moves a folder to a new location.
Deletes a folder and all its subfolders.
Mounts VMware Tools Installer for a virtual machine. The virtual machine must be powered on.
Unmounts VMware Tools Installer for a virtual machine. The virtual machine must be powered on.
Upgrade the VMware Tools for a virtual machine. The virtual machine must be powered on.

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