Automation Hub
Automation Hub 用户指南
Last updated 2024年6月26日

Idea flow settings

You can edit the settings of an idea flow by accessing any idea flow and selecting the pencil icon next to it. You can also access the Settings option from the Actions menu, in the right side of the page. In the dialog box that appears you can edit the following basic information:

  • 概念流标题(必填)
  • 描述
  • 权限
  • 高级
In the Idea flow title, you can set the title that appears in the Idea type field selection drop-down list, in the Submit idea page. This is a mandatory field with a limit of 150 characters, accepts letters and numbers, and any foreign language characters available for Automation Hub.
Note: The flow title names that are integrated with 3rd party services (Process Mining, Task Mining, etc.) aren't editable.
The Description section supports a rich text field, has a limit of 750 characters, accepts letters and numbers, and any foreign language characters. You can set a descriptive text about the entire idea flow.


  • 可以在流程中提交概念的用户(必须选择至少一个角色)。
  • 可以在流程中编辑概念的用户(必须选择至少一个角色)。
  • 可以将任何概念的状态强制更新为任何其他阶段和状态的用户。
  • 可以删除此流程中的概念(必须选择至少一个角色)。
  • 可以在自动化配置文件中更改评估版本的用户。

In the table below, you can find the old role permissions that are being replaced by the new permissions found in Idea flow customization. This helps you assign permissions differently for every idea flow, instead of the same set of permissions for a specific role available for all idea flows.

概念流自定义设置中可用的新权限名称Old role permissions found in Roles page
Who can delete ideas in this flow (mandatory)删除任何创意

Example: Before Idea flow customization, to make sure a user had access to Edit all details of any Idea, you had to check that the respective permission was assigned to his tenant role in the Roles page, or create a new role with that permission checked. Now, to make sure a specific tenant role has access to Edit all details of any Idea you just need to select the role you wish to be able to do that, in the Who can edit ideas in the flow drop-down list from the Permissions area in the Idea Flow Settings.

Some roles are already predefined for every permission, like Account Owner, System Admin, and Program Manager, but when you select a specific section, you can add or remove roles from the drop-down list.
Tip: Your existing flows aren't affected and they should work the same as before, including the permissions associated with them.
The Advanced area lets you select via the toggle button if the submission must happen only via OpenAPI and if it's a change request idea flow. When creating a new flow, these options are set to toggle OFF. Out of the six default flows, the Only OpenAPI submission toggle setting is set to ON for the Idea Flow with the title Task Mining and Process Mining. By setting the toggle to ON, the following changes happen:
  • Submission form: the Idea type field won't show the flow’s name in the drop-down;
  • Users can't submit ideas on the flow through Automation Hub interface;
  • Ideas submitted on the flow will be collected through OpenAPI from other tools/products.


  • 只有四种评估类型可用:概述、变更请求、执行评估和反馈评估。
  • The Admin user can't delete these assessment types.
  • The Admin user can't add more assessment types.



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