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Task Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated 17 de set de 2024

Setembro de 2024

17 September 2024

Viewing Task Mining projects in Process Mining

The Task Mining trace diagram and trace details for Task Mining projects, which originated from Process Mining, are now viewable directly in Process Mining.

Refer to Viewing Task Mining projects in the Process Mining guide for details.

Task Mining rename updates

A significant update pertains to the Assisted Task Mining terminology, which is henceforth renamed to Task Mining. This terminology update mirrors our recommendation towards this component. Note, however, that the product functionality remains the same. Refer to the Task Mining chapter for a detailed description of the functionality.

As for Unassisted Task Mining, it remains unchanged both in nomenclature and function in this release. Note that the documentation for Unassisted Task Mining is now available from the Additional Resources.

  • 17 September 2024
  • Viewing Task Mining projects in Process Mining
  • Task Mining rename updates

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