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Atividades de Document Understanding
Last updated 30 de ago de 2024

Escopo de Extratores de Treinamento



Provides a scope for any extractor activities you want to train. You must add the extractor activities inside this scope.

Compatibilidade do projeto

Windows-Legacy | Windows


Painel do Designer
Painel de Propriedades
  • NomeDeExibição - o nome de exibição da atividade.
  • DocumentObjectModel - The Document Object Model you want to use to validate the document against. This model is stored in a Document variable and can be retrieved from the Digitize Document activity. Visit Digitize Document to learn how to achieve this. This field supports only Document variables.
  • CaminhoDoDocumento — o caminho para o documento que você deseja validar. Este campo é compatível apenas com strings e variáveis String.
    Note: The supported file types for this property field are: .png, .gif, .jpe, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .tif, .bmp, and .pdf.
  • DocumentText - The text of the document itself, stored in a String variable. This value can be retrieved from the Digitize Document activity. Visit Digitize Document to learn how to achieve this. This field supports only strings and String variables.
  • HumanValidatedData - The output from the Validation Station, stored in an ExtractionResult proprietary variable.
    Observação: se os arquivos DocumentObjectModel e HumanValidatedData forem de fontes diferentes, um erro será gerado no tempo de execução.
  • Privado - Se selecionado, os valores de variáveis e argumentos não são mais registrados no nível Verbose.

Usando o Assistente para configurar extratores

  1. Adicione uma atividade Train Extractors Scope em seu fluxo de trabalho.
  2. No painel Propriedades, adicione suas configurações personalizadas nos campos ModeloDeObjetoDeDocumento, CaminhoDeDocumento, TextoDeDocumento e DadosComValidaçãoHumana.
  3. Add an extractor trainer activity (for instance, Machine Learning Extractor Trainer), or create a custom activity for extractor training by implementing the classes and place it inside the Train Extractors Scope activity.
    1. To configure your extractors, select Configure Extractors.

      You can now see the Configure Extractors wizard.

      Figure 1. Overview of the Configure Extractors wizard

      Overview of the Configure Extractors wizard
    2. To use a specific extractor on a whole document type or a particular field within that document, select the check boxes next to the document type or fields. By selecting a whole document type, all corresponding fields will be automatically selected too.
    Figure 2. Animated image showing the process of selecting document types or corresponding fields for extraction

    Animated image showing the process of selecting document types or corresponding fields for extraction
  4. Select Get of refresh extractor capabilities, for the extractors that support this functionality, to map your taxonomy fields with the available extractor fields, or refresh them in case the extractor fields have changed. After you configure the capabilities, select Get Capabilities, to reflect the changes in the Configure Extractors wizard.
    Figure 3. Animated image showing the process of refreshing the extractor capabilities for a Machine Learning Extractor

    Animated image showing the process of refreshing the extractor capabilities for a Machine Learning Extractor
  5. To train the extractor based on its extraction result, start by entering any alphanumeric value in the Framework Alias field. After this, go on to set the exact value in the corresponding Framework Alias field of one or more trainers. This creates a link between the extractor and the respective trainer(s).
  6. Select Save once all the extractors are selected.

Integração de Compreensão de Documentos

A atividade Train Extractors Scope faz parte das Document Understanding Solutions. Acesse o Guia do Document Understanding para obter mais informações.

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