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Letzte Aktualisierung 17. Dez. 2024

Einrichten von Linux-Robotern

To set up robots in a Linux environment, you need an existing unattended setup in Orchestrator.

The following procedure downloads the docker image on Linux and connects the Robot to Orchestrator:

  1. In a command line terminal, download the Docker image:
    docker pull<tag>docker pull<tag>
  2. Once the image is displayed in your Docker environment, accept the license agreement, and connect the robot to Orchestrator.
    1. Using the client ID and the client secret of the machine template:
      docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL=""-e CLIENT_ID="$Client_ID" -e CLIENT_SECRET="$Client_secret" -tid<tag>docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL=""-e CLIENT_ID="$Client_ID" -e CLIENT_SECRET="$Client_secret" -tid<tag>
    2. Using the machine key:
      docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="" -e MACHINE_KEY="$KEY" -tid<tag>docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="" -e MACHINE_KEY="$KEY" -tid<tag>
  3. To see the status of the robots on your machine, run:
    docker ps -adocker ps -a
  4. To disconnect a robot, run:
    docker stop {container_id}docker stop {container_id}
  5. To stop the robot, but keep it connected to Orchestrator, run:
    docker kill {container_id}docker kill {container_id}
  6. To retrieve the logs from the container, run:
    docker cp <ContainerId>:/home/robotuser/.local/share/UiPath/Logs <TargetPath>docker cp <ContainerId>:/home/robotuser/.local/share/UiPath/Logs <TargetPath>

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