- Erste Schritte
- Grundlegendes zu UiPath Robot
- UiPath Assistant
- Installationsanforderungen
- Installing robots for unattended automations
- Configuring robots for unattended automations
- Deploying unattended automations
- Connecting robots for unattended automations to Orchestrator
- Einrichtung von Windows Server für High-Density-Roboter
- Weiterleitung von Robotern über einen Proxy-Server
- Implementing authentication
- Adjusting registry settings for execution in minimized RDP windows
- Using network locations
- Einrichten von Linux-Robotern
- Konfigurieren der Paketsignaturüberprüfung
- Einrichten von Paketordnern und Netzwerkpfaden
- Konfigurieren von Aktivitätsfeeds
- Setting up non-persistent VDIs - follow up with Sai
- Installing robots for attended automations
- Voraussetzungen
- Installing with UiPathRobot.msi
- Installing with UiPathStudio.msi
- UiPathStudio.msi - command prompt examples for attended
- UiPathRobot.msi - command prompt examples for attended
- Installieren mithilfe von Bereitstellungsvorlagen
- Deploying the Robot to multiple machines
- Licensing robots for attended automations
- Aktualisieren von UiPath Robot
- Configuring robots for attended automations
- Integrationen
- Fehlersuche und ‑behebung
UiPathRobot.msi - command prompt examples for attended
Letzte Aktualisierung 17. Dez. 2024
UiPathRobot.msi - command prompt examples for attended
Consider the following examples for your use cases. Make sure to run the command in the folder where the installer is located.
UiPathRobot.msi MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1 ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot
UiPathRobot.msi MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1 ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,StartupLauncher,JavaBridge /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,StartupLauncher,JavaBridge /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,ChromeExtension CHROME_INSTALL_TYPE=POLICYONLINE /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,ChromeExtension CHROME_INSTALL_TYPE=POLICYONLINE /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot CONNECTIONSTRING= /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot CONNECTIONSTRING= /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot CUSTOM_NUGET_FEEDS="Feed Name1,https://my.custom.nuget.feed; FeedName2,D:\RPA\Activities\Packages\" /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot CUSTOM_NUGET_FEEDS="Feed Name1,https://my.custom.nuget.feed; FeedName2,D:\RPA\Activities\Packages\" /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,CODE=1234567890 /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot,CODE=1234567890 /Q
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot NUGET_OPTIONS=DisableOnlineFeeds
UiPathRobot.msi ADDLOCAL=DesktopFeature,Robot NUGET_OPTIONS=DisableOnlineFeeds
UiPathRobot.msi REMOVE=ChromeExtension /Q
UiPathRobot.msi REMOVE=ChromeExtension /Q
- Installing the Robot in User Mode for the current user
- Silent mode - Installing the Robot in User Mode
- Silent mode - Installing the Robot in User Mode and the Chrome Extension using an online policy
- Silent mode - Installing the Robot in User Mode and connect it to Orchestrator
- Silent mode - Installing the Robot in User Mode, and add two custom activity feeds
- Silent mode - Installing and licensing the Robot in User Mode, and the local activity feed
- Installing the Robot in User Mode, and disabling the official online feeds
- Silent mode - Uninstalling the Chrome Extension
- Setting up the auto-update connection