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Automation Suite on EKS/AKS installation guide

Last updated Feb 25, 2025

Migration prerequisites

Before starting the migration, make sure you meet the following prerequisites:

.NET Runtime 6.0

.NET Runtime 6.0 or later is required to run the UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp tool. You must download and install it before running UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp.


If .NET Runtime 6.0 or later is not present, download and install .NET Runtime for Linux before using UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp.

To install .NET Runtime 6.0 on RHEL, run the following command:

sudo yum install dotnet-sdk-6.0 -ysudo yum install dotnet-sdk-6.0 -y


The UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp tool requires .NET Runtime 6.0 at a minimum. If .NET Runtime 6.0 and beyond is not present, download and install .NET Runtime 6.0 for Windows before using UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp.


The UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp tool helps you perform operations such as move the Identity data of all tenants from standalone to Automation Suite and merge organizations.

To download UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp, contact the UiPath Support team.

To see which UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp version is compatible with your environment, see Compatibility matrix.

Tool for managing Microsoft SQL Server

You must download and install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or a similar tool for managing Microsoft SQL Server. This tool helps you restore the Orchestrator database to the Automation Suite SQL Server instance or a different SQL Server instance.

  1. Download and install SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. Log into the standalone SQL Server using the standalone SQL connection string.

  3. Open port 1433 for the source and target database.

Special character escape rules for connection string passwords

In most instances, connection passwords are encapsulated within a single quotation mark ('). However, when the password includes special characters such as ` or $, a different approach is required.
In these cases, the password must be formatted as \`"<password>\`", replacing <password> with the actual password. Moreover, you must also adhere to the escape rules as detailed in the following table:

Original format in ADUC

Escaped format in PowerShell string

cn=James $ Smith

"cn=James `$ Smith"

cn=Sally Wilson + Jones

"cn=Sally Wilson \+ Jones"

cn=William O'Brian

"cn=William O'Brian"

cn=William O`Brian

"cn=William O``Brian"

cn=Richard #West

"cn=Richard #West"

cn=Roy Johnson$

"cn=Roy Johnson$"


Assume that the original password is 7'8:<=XMe$y[@vC?_4ZeY8c-~y'W!1dU4gnczuf'/p>j<I. Adhering to the special character escape rules, it becomes: Password=\`"7'8:<=XMe`$y[@vC?_4ZeY8c-~y'W!1dU4```gnczuf'/p>```j<I\`".

The full command, with the password configured in destination connection string, looks as follows:

./UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp.exe migrate -a -m -s ",1433;Initial Catalog=UiPath_20230531;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=username;Password=asiodhyf;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=30;" -d ",1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Platform;Persist Security Info=False;User;Password=\`"7'8:<=XMe`$y[@vC?_4ZeY8c-~y'W!1dU4```gnczuf'/p>```j<I\`""./UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp.exe migrate -a -m -s ",1433;Initial Catalog=UiPath_20230531;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=username;Password=asiodhyf;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=30;" -d ",1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Platform;Persist Security Info=False;User;Password=\`"7'8:<=XMe`$y[@vC?_4ZeY8c-~y'W!1dU4```gnczuf'/p>```j<I\`""
Note: Ensure that the command only gets executed on a machine that has authorized access to the RDS database.

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