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Last updated Sep 19, 2024

Using connections in List controls

This tutorial assumes you already have created a connection in Integration Service, and added it to your app. If you have not done so, go to Adding a connection to your app.

The Query Builder exclusively displays APIs with a response data type of List.

You can add additional functionality to your app by invoking external APIs using connections. You can do this using the Query Builder. To add connections to List controls, follow these steps.

This tutorial uses the Jira connection in Integration Service as an example, and its List issues functionality. This query lists the currently open Jira issues in the table, and a few of their key attributes, such as priority and status, and sorts them by when they were created.

  1. Go to the app containing the connection you want to use.
  2. Select Add control.
  3. In Display controls, select the Table control and add it to your app.
  4. Once the Table control is in your app, select it from within the central Designer panel.
  5. In the General properties of the Table control, go to the Data source field. Select Open resources.
  6. Select the Query builder option.
  7. In the Select source field, select the relevant connection. In this case, select Jira.
  8. Select the second Select source field. To narrow your selection, type "List: Issues", then select the List: Issues option.
  9. In the JPL query field, type the following, including the quotation marks:
    "project = ""DEV"" AND assignee IN (currentuser()) AND statusCategory in (""To Do"", ""In Progress"") ORDER BY created DESC""project = ""DEV"" AND assignee IN (currentuser()) AND statusCategory in (""To Do"", ""In Progress"") ORDER BY created DESC"
  10. Select the Table control you created in step 3.
  11. In the General properties panel, select the first column. Click on the Name entry.
  12. Rename the first column to "priority".
  13. Under Source, click on the Open resources button.
  14. Select Expression editor.
  15. Type "", including quotation marks.
  16. Return to the General properties tab in the Table.
  17. Select the second column. Rename it to "status".
  18. To change the data source, repeat steps 13-15 in the second column.
  19. In the Expression editor, type "", including quotation marks.
  20. Return to the General properties tab in the Table again.
  21. Select the third column. Rename it to "summary".
  22. Repeat steps 12-14 in the third column to change the data source.
  23. In the Expression editor, type "MainPage.Table.SelectedItem.fields.summary.", including quotation marks.

The app displays the summary, status and priority of the listed Jira issues at runtime.

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