Studio 用户指南
Last updated 2024年6月28日

Extension for Safari

Starting with UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities version 24.10.0, Safari UI Automation support is available in preview. The extension for Safari allows you to:

  • Design UI automations in Studio Web within the Safari browser on macOS.
  • Execute browser automations in Safari using a local macOS Robot, previously installed and connected to the Orchestrator.
  • Start attended browser automations in Safari via the macOS Assistant.

To create and run such automations, you must install the UiPath® extension for Safari.

You can start from Studio Web by adding any UI Automation activities. When accessing Studio Web from Safari, you are prompted to install the UiPath extension for Safari from the App Store. Follow the setup guide to configure the extension, then start designing your workflows for browser automation in Safari.


To create browser automations in Safari on machines running macOS, the minimum supported version is macOS 12.

Install from UiPath Studio Web

  1. In UiPath Automation Cloud™, access Studio Web.
  2. Add a Use Browser activity to your project. You are prompted to install the UiPath extension for Safari.

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  3. Select the Install extension button.
  4. You are directed to the App Store, to install the UiPath Browser Automation extension.
  5. Select Get to install the extension, and then Open it.

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  6. After selecting Open, you are directed to a configuration window.

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  7. Select Open Safari settings to access the Extensions window, where you can set the right permissions for the newly installed extension.
    1. Enable the UiPath Browser Automation extension in the left-side panel.

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    2. Select Always Allow on Every Website and confirm this choice.

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    3. If you intend to use private browsing, enable the Allow Private Browsing setting.
  8. Once you complete these steps, a message informs you that the extension is now available.

Install from App Store

You can access the UiPath extension for Safari directly in the App Store and continue the installation process from step 4 of the previous section.

从 UiPath Assistant 安装

Installing the Safari extension from Studio Web or directly from the App Store also installs the Native Host component. This means that you can run automations from UiPath Assistant without the need for additional installation.

When the extension becomes generally available, you will be able to install the UiPath extension for Safari from UiPath Assistant, from the UiPath Extensions page, through an Install button which will redirect to the App Store.


Uninstall from Safari settings

  1. Access Safari settings.
  2. Navigate to the Extensions tab.
  3. Select the Uninstall button.

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  4. The extension is now installed.


Consider the following limitations when creating browser automations for Safari:

  • Install from UiPath Studio Web
  • Install from App Store
  • 从 UiPath Assistant 安装
  • 卸载
  • Uninstall from Safari settings
  • 已知限制


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