Last updated 2024年7月4日



UiPath 重视数据隐私,旨在保护所有用户在使用UiPath 用户界面自动化功能共享数据时的隐私权。

UiPath ensures the security and privacy of data through a comprehensive approach that includes compliance with global data protection regulations like GDPR, ensuring legal standards in data handling are met. The platform employs data encryption for both data in transit and at rest, safeguarding against unauthorized access. Additionally, robust access control mechanisms, such as Role-based Access Control (RBAC), restrict system and data access to authorized users only, enhancing data security.

该平台还遵守安全开发实践,从而将软件漏洞的风险降到最低。 定期安全审核和更新有助于保持平台能够抵御新出现的威胁。 此外,强大的用户身份验证和授权流程已到位,以防止未经授权的系统访问。 如果出现安全漏洞,UiPath 会制定事件响应计划,以有效减轻对数据安全性和隐私的潜在影响。

自动化运行时,UiPath 会处理哪些数据?

For the UI Automation activities, the job profiling data collection is performed during unattended runs of the automation, initiated from the Orchestrator. This includes activity properties runtime values, the execution duration, and application screenshots taken during execution. This means that during the execution of unattended automations, screenshots of your environment are captured. The capture is meant to focus on system processes, actions, and responses.


The primary objective of our data processing is to improve the UI-based automation's reliability in the context of your unique user experience. This approach helps us better understand your particular needs and the goal is to ultimately enable us to build output that matches your expectations in a given context.


我们收集的数据仅供内部使用,并且只会在必要时提供给支持数据处理活动的 UiPath 子处理者。 只有产品开发团队的授权人员才能在组织内访问此数据。





  • Use of TLS 1.2 encrypted protocol for data transfer.
  • Secure storage with access controls. Azure encryption mechanisms for Storage Account and Data Lake Gen2 are leveraged by design. In Azure Storage, data is encrypted and decrypted transparently using 256-bit AES encryption algorithm.
  • Periodical data audits to ensure there's no breach or misuse. Storage access is strictly regulated through Role-based Access Control (RBAC) and Privileged Identity Management (PIM). Elevation is only permitted to those individuals who have been granted this right.


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