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Guia de instalação do Automation Suite no OpenShift

Última atualização 18 de dez de 2024

Exemplo de saída: instalação do Automation Suite

O seguinte exemplo mostra a saída que você pode obter após a instalação do Automation Suite. Para obter detalhes, consulte Instalação do Automation Suite.

            "name": "OSS(component=cert-manager)",
            "description": "Check for component cert-manager passed",
            "status": "passed"
            "name": "OSS(component=gatekeeper)",
            "description": "Check for component gatekeeper passed",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully retrieved registry url",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully retrieved cluster fqdn",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully retrieved cluster port",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully retrieved kubernetes distribution",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully created the test deployment istio-validation-deployment",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully created the test service istio-validation-service",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully created the test gateway istio-validation-gateway",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully created the test virtual service istio-validation-vs",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully exposed the service via servicemesh",
            "status": "passed"
ℹ️  [] Starting to apply the manifest
ℹ️  [network-configure] Starting creation of component network-configure...
ℹ️  [network-configure] Installing helm component network-configure...
✔️  [network-configure] Installed helm component network-configure
ℹ️  [sfcore] Starting creation of component sfcore...
ℹ️  [sfcore] Creating Argo CD application for component sfcore...
ℹ️  [sfcore] Waiting for Argo CD application for component sfcore to synchronize...
ℹ️  [redis] Starting creation of component redis...
ℹ️  [platform] Starting creation of component platform...
ℹ️  [platform] Creating Argo CD application for component platform...
ℹ️  [webhook] Starting creation of component webhook...
ℹ️  [webhook] Creating Argo CD application for component webhook...
ℹ️  [robotube] Starting creation of component robotube...
ℹ️  [robotube] Creating Argo CD application for component robotube...
ℹ️  [orchestrator] Starting creation of component orchestrator...
ℹ️  [orchestrator] Creating Argo CD application for component orchestrator...
ℹ️  [notificationservice] Starting creation of component notificationservice...
ℹ️  [notificationservice] Creating Argo CD application for component notificationservice...
ℹ️  [actioncenter] Starting creation of component actioncenter...
ℹ️  [actioncenter] Creating Argo CD application for component actioncenter...
ℹ️  [ba] Starting creation of component ba...
ℹ️  [ba] Creating Argo CD application for component ba...
ℹ️  [asrobots] Starting creation of component asrobots...
ℹ️  [asrobots] Creating Argo CD application for component asrobots...
ℹ️  [automationhub] Starting creation of component automationhub...
ℹ️  [automationhub] Creating Argo CD application for component automationhub...
ℹ️  [automationops] Starting creation of component automationops...
ℹ️  [automationops] Creating Argo CD application for component automationops...
ℹ️  [dataservice] Starting creation of component dataservice...
ℹ️  [dataservice] Creating Argo CD application for component dataservice...
ℹ️  [insights] Starting creation of component insights...
ℹ️  [insights] Creating Argo CD application for component insights...
ℹ️  [testmanager] Starting creation of component testmanager...
ℹ️  [testmanager] Creating Argo CD application for component testmanager...
ℹ️  [pushgateway] Starting creation of component pushgateway...
ℹ️  [pushgateway] Creating Argo CD application for component pushgateway...
ℹ️  [reloader] Starting creation of component reloader...
ℹ️  [reloader] Creating Argo CD application for component reloader...
ℹ️  [reloader] Waiting for Argo CD application for component reloader to synchronize...
istio skipped
network-configure created
sfcore created
redis created
platform created
webhook created
robotube created
orchestrator created
notificationservice created
actioncenter created
ba created
asrobots created
automationhub created
automationops created
dataservice created
insights created
testmanager created
pushgateway created
reloader created
cluster skipped{
            "name": "OSS(component=cert-manager)",
            "description": "Check for component cert-manager passed",
            "status": "passed"
            "name": "OSS(component=gatekeeper)",
            "description": "Check for component gatekeeper passed",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully retrieved registry url",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully retrieved cluster fqdn",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully retrieved cluster port",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully retrieved kubernetes distribution",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully created the test deployment istio-validation-deployment",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully created the test service istio-validation-service",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully created the test gateway istio-validation-gateway",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully created the test virtual service istio-validation-vs",
            "status": "passed"
            "description": "Successfully exposed the service via servicemesh",
            "status": "passed"
ℹ️  [] Starting to apply the manifest
ℹ️  [network-configure] Starting creation of component network-configure...
ℹ️  [network-configure] Installing helm component network-configure...
✔️  [network-configure] Installed helm component network-configure
ℹ️  [sfcore] Starting creation of component sfcore...
ℹ️  [sfcore] Creating Argo CD application for component sfcore...
ℹ️  [sfcore] Waiting for Argo CD application for component sfcore to synchronize...
ℹ️  [redis] Starting creation of component redis...
ℹ️  [platform] Starting creation of component platform...
ℹ️  [platform] Creating Argo CD application for component platform...
ℹ️  [webhook] Starting creation of component webhook...
ℹ️  [webhook] Creating Argo CD application for component webhook...
ℹ️  [robotube] Starting creation of component robotube...
ℹ️  [robotube] Creating Argo CD application for component robotube...
ℹ️  [orchestrator] Starting creation of component orchestrator...
ℹ️  [orchestrator] Creating Argo CD application for component orchestrator...
ℹ️  [notificationservice] Starting creation of component notificationservice...
ℹ️  [notificationservice] Creating Argo CD application for component notificationservice...
ℹ️  [actioncenter] Starting creation of component actioncenter...
ℹ️  [actioncenter] Creating Argo CD application for component actioncenter...
ℹ️  [ba] Starting creation of component ba...
ℹ️  [ba] Creating Argo CD application for component ba...
ℹ️  [asrobots] Starting creation of component asrobots...
ℹ️  [asrobots] Creating Argo CD application for component asrobots...
ℹ️  [automationhub] Starting creation of component automationhub...
ℹ️  [automationhub] Creating Argo CD application for component automationhub...
ℹ️  [automationops] Starting creation of component automationops...
ℹ️  [automationops] Creating Argo CD application for component automationops...
ℹ️  [dataservice] Starting creation of component dataservice...
ℹ️  [dataservice] Creating Argo CD application for component dataservice...
ℹ️  [insights] Starting creation of component insights...
ℹ️  [insights] Creating Argo CD application for component insights...
ℹ️  [testmanager] Starting creation of component testmanager...
ℹ️  [testmanager] Creating Argo CD application for component testmanager...
ℹ️  [pushgateway] Starting creation of component pushgateway...
ℹ️  [pushgateway] Creating Argo CD application for component pushgateway...
ℹ️  [reloader] Starting creation of component reloader...
ℹ️  [reloader] Creating Argo CD application for component reloader...
ℹ️  [reloader] Waiting for Argo CD application for component reloader to synchronize...
istio skipped
network-configure created
sfcore created
redis created
platform created
webhook created
robotube created
orchestrator created
notificationservice created
actioncenter created
ba created
asrobots created
automationhub created
automationops created
dataservice created
insights created
testmanager created
pushgateway created
reloader created
cluster skipped

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