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Last updated 30 de ago. de 2024

OCRNativeActivity Class


  • Espacio de nombres: UiPath.OCR.Contracts.Activities
  • Ensamblado: UiPath.OCR.Contracts


Una clase resumen que debe implementarse para construir un NativeActivity a partir del marco de Workflow Foundation.


  • BeforeExecute(System.Activities.NativeActivityContext) System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> - Overrides this method to compute and provide all the activity input arguments, other than the Image argument and returns activity input arguments as a dictionary where the key is the argument name and the value is the argument value.
    Nota: En el momento del diseño, cuando no hay contexto disponible, los parámetros del método son nulos. En este caso, los argumentos de la actividad no se pueden leer, por lo que es posible que desee proporcionar valores predeterminados para ellos.
  • Execute(System.Activities.NativeActivityContext) void Execute(System.Activities.NativeActivityContext - This method can be overridden to implement the activity code. It is called by the workflow runtime to execute the activity. It also provides access to tracking, variables, and arguments.
  • OCRNativeActivity.OCRNativeActivity() : constructor de actividades
  • OnSuccess(System.Activities.NativeActivityContext, UiPath.OCR.Contracts.DataContracts.OCRResult) void OnSuccess(System.Activities.NativeActivityContext context, UiPath.OCR.Contracts.DataContracts.OCRResult result) - This method is called after computing the OCR result. It can be used to set output arguments or any other final operations.
  • PerformOCRAsync(System.Drawing.Image, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>, System.Threading.CancellationToken) : procesa una imagen y devuelve la información de texto extraída. El parámetro Opciones es un diccionario de argumentos de actividad que tiene como clave el nombre del argumento y como valor el valor del argumento.
  • ExtractWords : obtiene o establece si las palabras deben extraerse.
  • Image System.Activities.InArgument<System.Drawing.Image> - Image to be processed.
  • Language System.Activities.InArgument<string> - The language used by the OCR engine to extract the string from the UI element.
  • Output System.Activities.OutArgument<UiPath.OCR.Contracts.OcrActivityResult> - The activity output. Legacy, obsolete argument.
  • Text System.Activities.OutArgument<string> - The extracted string.

Ejemplo de código

[DisplayName("Sample OCRNativeActivity")]
internal class SampleOCRNativeActivity : OCRNativeActivity
        public InArgument<string> CustomInput { get; set; }

        public OutArgument<string> CustomOutput { get; set; }

        public override Task<OCRResult> PerformOCRAsync(Image image, Dictionary<string, object> options, CancellationToken ct)
            string customInput = options[nameof(CustomInput)] as string;
            string text = $"Text from {nameof(SampleOCRNativeActivity)} with custom input: {customInput}";
            return Task.FromResult(OCRResultHelper.FromText(text));

        protected override void OnSuccess(NativeActivityContext context, OCRResult result)
            CustomOutput.Set(context, $"Custom output: '{result.Text}' has {result.Words.Length} words.");

        protected override Dictionary<string, object> BeforeExecute(NativeActivityContext context)
            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                { nameof(CustomInput), CustomInput.Get(context) }
    }[DisplayName("Sample OCRNativeActivity")]
internal class SampleOCRNativeActivity : OCRNativeActivity
        public InArgument<string> CustomInput { get; set; }

        public OutArgument<string> CustomOutput { get; set; }

        public override Task<OCRResult> PerformOCRAsync(Image image, Dictionary<string, object> options, CancellationToken ct)
            string customInput = options[nameof(CustomInput)] as string;
            string text = $"Text from {nameof(SampleOCRNativeActivity)} with custom input: {customInput}";
            return Task.FromResult(OCRResultHelper.FromText(text));

        protected override void OnSuccess(NativeActivityContext context, OCRResult result)
            CustomOutput.Set(context, $"Custom output: '{result.Text}' has {result.Words.Length} words.");

        protected override Dictionary<string, object> BeforeExecute(NativeActivityContext context)
            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                { nameof(CustomInput), CustomInput.Get(context) }
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