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Document Understanding Modern Projects User Guide

Data storage

When consuming Document UnderstandingTM modern projects, data is stored in the following, depending on the situation:
  • Automation CloudTM
  • UiPath Orchestrator
  • Monitor

Automation Cloud

If you are using Document Understanding activities or Document Undertanding APIs, the following data is persisted in Automation Cloud:
  • The digitization result and document referenced by the document ID (either by providing it as input for APIs or using it in an RPA workflow as part of Document Data metadata) is stored for 7 days.
  • The extraction or classification result is stored for 24 hours. Validation data is not persisted separately, but it is stored in Orchestrator storage buckets.


If you create classification or extraction validation actions, the system stores the respective assets, unless removed using the corresponding options on the activities (for example, the RemoveDataFromStorage activity from the IntelligentOCR activities package). You can also remove them manually from Orchestrator for the DocumentUnderstanding activities package.


Data within a modern project (files, digitization, classification, and extraction results) is stored in the Monitor section of the respective project for six months. If you want to clean up your data or deactivate data storage, reach out to our Support team.

For more information on the Insights data retention policy, check the Insights user guide.

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