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Document Understanding Modern Projects User Guide

Metering and charging logic

When using UiPath® Document UnderstandingTM modern projects, it's essential to understand the consumption of AI units.


AI units charges per page

For Document Understanding modern projects only one single AI unit is charged, regardless of the operations performed on a page at runtime or if multiple modern projects are used to extract data from the same page. This includes digitization operations - such as OCR - as well as extraction, or classification. This applies to all operations, encompassing both robotic process automation (RPA) and APIs operations.

For AI units consumption when using generative features, check the Generative features section from this page.

AI units and model training

There are no AI units charged when training and serving models. This means you can freely train models to improve performance, develop new capabilities, and experiment without concerns about incurring additional AI units charges.

Generative features

Depending on the version of the activity package you are using, there are slight differences related to AI units consumption:
  • Activities version 24.12-preview and above
  • Activities version up to 24.12-preview

Activities version 24.12-preview and above

This consumption is applicable in the following situations:
  • Using activities version 24.12-preview and above with PredefinedGenerative projects.
  • Using Document Understanding API v1.1 with PredefinedGenerative projects.

There are no additional AI units consumed when using Generative Classification and Generative Extraction. There is only one single AI unit is charged, regardless of the operations performed on a page at runtime, including Generative Classification and Generative Extraction.

Note: Using Generative Validation consumes an additional one AI unit for each processed page. This brings the total of two AI units consumed for processed pages using generative validation.

Activities version up to 24.12-preview

This consumption is applicable in the following situations:
  • Using activities version up to 24.12-preview with the Predefined project.
  • Using Document Understanding API v1.0 with the Predefined project.

Using generative features incur specific charges for each operation, as described in the following table.

Table 1. Generative features AI units consumption for activitities version up to 24.12-preview
Generative featureConsumed AI units
Generative Classifier0.2 per operation
Generative Extraction1.2 per operation
Generative Validation1 per operation

For example, if you are processing a document using extraction and Generative Classifier, the consumption is 1.2 AI units per page.

Document Understanding activity packages

For the DocumentUnderstanding.Activities package, one AI unit is charged per page, regardless of the operations performed - whether it's digitization, extraction, or classification. This only applies when a pre-defined generative or modern project classifier or extractor is in use. If you use any other classifier or extractor, the respective consumption logic from the classic projects is added to the one AI unit per page. For more information, check the Mixed use section below.

For the InteligentOCR.Activities package, one AI unit is charged per page, whether it's digitization, extraction, or classification. This only applies when a modern project classifier or extractor is in use. If you use any other classifier or extractor, the respective consumption logic from the classic projects is added to the one AI unit per page. For more information, check the Mixed use section below.

Mixed use

If a project is using both classic and modern experience, both pricing models will apply based on their respective consumption.

The pricing model for classic projects applies under the following circumstances:
  • Extraction and classification done using classic projects, regardless of the activity package used (IntelligentOCR or Document Understanding).
  • Extraction and classification done using the out of the box models included with the pre-defined project, regardless of the activity package used (IntelligentOCR or Document Understanding).
For more information on the metering and charging logic applicable for classic scenarios, check the Document Understanding User Guide for Classic Experience.

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