Automation Hub User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Sep 19, 2023

Upload Components and Update Their Version

Upload a Reusable Component

Short description:

This video focuses on how an RPA developer can upload a reusable component in Automation Hub.

The main topics are:

  1. Where to find the Upload component button?
  2. The explanation for each Upload component form field.
  3. How to attach the component .nupkg?
  4. How to add the version number and the release notes?
  5. How to submit a component for review?
  6. How to find the submitted component in My Components?

Who has access:

Standard Users


The Upload Component button is available within the following two pages:

  • Workspace -> My Components
  • Explore -> Components

Uploading a New Version for a Component

Short description:

This video presents the way to add a new version for an existing component in Automation Hub.

The main topics are:

  1. How to identify the component that needs to be edited from My Components list?
  2. How to edit the component fields?
  3. How to attach a new component .nupkg?
  4. How to add a new version and the release notes?
  5. How to submit the new version for review?
  6. How to check the component status in My Components list?

Who has access:

The Component's Author

  • Upload a Reusable Component
  • Uploading a New Version for a Component

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