Automation Hub User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Sep 19, 2023


Explore Components

Short description:

This video presents the Explore components menu and the Component profile.

The main topics are:

  1. Content of a component card.
  2. How to reach the component profile?
  3. Filter and search the components

Who has access:

Standard Users

Exploring the Component Profile

Short description:

This video presents the information available on the Component Profile page and how to benefit from it while using the Component.

The main topics are:

  1. See the component profile overview.
  2. Understand the overview, manuals, reviews, comments sections.
  3. See how to download the component and how to look at the release notes.

Who has access:

Standard Users

Curate a Component

Short description:

This video presents the component curation process from the perspective of a Curator who needs to review a submission.

The main topics are:

  1. How to identify the components that are submitted for review?
  2. Understand the curation process using the FAQ.
  3. Go through the curation process steps.
  4. How to reject a component?
  5. How to publish a component?

Who has access:

Curator, and System Admin

  • Explore Components
  • Exploring the Component Profile
  • Curate a Component

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