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Productivity Activities

上次更新日期 2025年1月13日

Share File/Folder



Uses the Microsoft Graph Create sharing link and Add permissions APIs to share a file or folder drive item with the specified recipients.


This activity requires the following scopes:

  • Files.ReadWrite


  • Files.ReadWrite.All


  • Sites.ReadWrite.All

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows


In the Body of the Activity

  • File or folder to share - The drive item of the file or folder to share. This field supports only DriveItem variables.
  • Grantee type - The type of recipient of which the permissions are granted:

    • People in the Organization - This is the default option.
    • Specific People - When selected, additional options are displayed (Message, Recipients, Requires sign in, Send sharing invitation email). 
    • Anyone
  • Grantee permission - The type of permission that is to be granted. Select one of two options: View, Edit. The default value is View.

    Note: You can save files or folders for later use in the automation using the Get File/Folder activity.
Properties Panel


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity in the Designer panel. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.


  • See the options in the body of the activity.


  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level. This field supports Boolean values.


  • Expiration datetime - An optional expiration date-time of the permission. Available on premium personal OneDrive accounts. This property supports DateTime variables and DateTime formatted values.
  • Password - An optional password of the sharing link. Available on premium personal OneDrive accounts. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.

    Password and Expiration DateTime are taken into consideration only when Grantee Type is set to Anyone.


  • Access url - The web URL of the sharing link or of the drive item (Specific People). This property supports String variables and string formatted values.

Specific People

  • Message - A plain text to include in the sharing invitation email. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • Recipients - List of specific recipients to receive access and, optionally, a sharing invitation. This property supports String[] variables and string array formatted values.
  • Requires sign in - If selected, recipients are required to sign in to view the shared item. This field supports Boolean values.
  • Send sharing invitation email - Specifies whether to send a sharing invitation email to the recipients specified in the Recipients property. This field supports Boolean values.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration


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