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Last updated 2024年9月25日

Microsoft 365 output object properties

This table lists all available properties exposed for output variables in the Microsoft 365 activities.


O365EventItem帐户字符串The user who owns the event as an email address
AllAttendeesEmailList字符串The list of all attendees emails as strings separated by semicolons
AllAttendeesExceptMeEmailList字符串All attendees except me email list
AllowNewTimeProposals布尔值Allows attendees to propose new meeting times
AttendeesIEnumerable<string>Attendee list
AttendeesEmailListIEnumerable<string>Attendees email addresses
AttendeesPlusOrganizerIEnumerable<string>Attendee list, plus the organizer
正文EventBodyThe event body
BodyPreview字符串A short preview of the event body
类别IEnumerable<string>The categories the event belongs to
CreatedDateTimeDateTimeOffsetCreated datetime
结束DateTimeTimeZoneEnd time
HasAttachments布尔值True if has attachments
HideAttendees布尔值True if it hides attendees.
ICalUId字符串ICal event id
ID字符串The id of the event
重要性字符串Event importance
IsAllDay布尔值True if this is an all day event
IsCancelled布尔值True if cancelled
IsDraft布尔值True if it is a draft
IsOnlineMeeting布尔值True if it is an online meeting
IsReminderOn布尔值True if reminders are on
上次修改的日期和时间DateTimeOffsetLast modified datetime
位置字符串Event location
OccurrenceId字符串Occurrence master Id
OnlineMeetingProvider字符串Online meeting provider name
OnlineMeetingUrl字符串Meeting url
OptionalAttendeesEmailList字符串Optional attendees email list
Organizer用户Event organizer
OrganizerAddress字符串Event organizer address
OrganizerName字符串Event organizer name
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart整数Reminder (minutes) before start
RequiredAttendeesEmailList字符串Required attendees email list
RequiredAttendeesExceptMeEmailList字符串Required attendees except me email list
ResourceAttendeesEmailList字符串Resource attendees email list
ResponseRequested布尔值True if a response has been requested by the event organizer
敏感性字符串Event sensitivity
SeriesMasterId字符串Series master id.
ShowAs字符串Show as
启动DateTimeTimeZoneStart time
主题字符串Event title/subject
类型字符串The type of the event
WebLink字符串The weblink




Represents a remote O365 file/folder. Inherits IRemoteResource.
创建日期DatetimeCreation date and time
扩展程序字符串File extension
全名字符串Full name of the resource
是否为文件夹布尔值True if the resource is a folder
上次修改时间DatetimeLast modified date and time
创建人DriveItemIdentitySetReturns the identity of the user, device, or application which created the item.
Created by {display name}字符串Returns the DisplayName of the user, device, or application which created the item.
Created by {ID}字符串Returns the ID of he user, device, or application which created the item.
Last modified by字符串Returns the identity of the user, device, or application which last modified the item.
Last modified by {display name}字符串Returns the DisplayName of the user, device, or application which lsat modified the item.
Last modified by {ID}字符串Returns the ID of he user, device, or application which lsat modified the item.
名称字符串Name of the resource
ParentUri字符串Returns the Url of the parent folder. The parent Url of the root folder is null.
URI字符串Web url of the resource. Deprecated. Use Url instead.
URL字符串Web url of the resource.


Local representation of a One Drive/SharePoint file. Inherits ILocalResource.
创建日期DatetimeCreation date and time
扩展程序字符串File extension
全名字符串Full name of the resource
是否为文件夹布尔值True if the resource is a folder
上次修改时间DatetimeLast modified date and time
名称字符串Name of the resource


Office365MessageAttachmentCount整数The total number of attachments of the current email
AttachmentsInfoList列表The attachment's info.
AttachmentsNamesListIEnumerable<String>The names of all attachments of the current email
BccMailAddressCollectionGets the address collection that contains the blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients for this email message
正文字符串Gets or sets the message body
BodyAsHtml字符串The Html version of the email, if available
BodyPreview字符串Gets the body preview
类别字符串Contains the categories of the message
CCMailAddressCollectionGets the address collection that contains the carbon copy (CC) recipients for this email message
标记FollowupFlagGets the flag
FromAddress字符串From address for this email message
FromDisplayName字符串From display name for this email message
重要性重要性Gets the importance
InlineAttachmentCount整数The number of inline attachments of the current email
InlineAttachmentNamesIEnumerable<String>The names of inline attachments of the current email
InternetMessageId字符串Gets the Internet Message ID
IsRead布尔值Gets a value indicating whether the instance is read
上次修改的日期和时间DatetimeGets the last modified date time
消息 ID字符串The Office 365 ID of the message
ParentFolderId字符串Gets the parent folder identifier
优先级MailPriorityGets or sets the priority of this email message
ReceivedDateTimeDatetimeGets the received date time
ReplyToListIEnumerable<string>Gets the list of addresses to reply to for the mail message
SenderAddress字符串Sender's address for this email message
SenderDisplayName字符串Sender's display name for this email message
SentDateTime日期Gets the send date time
StandardAttachmentCount整数The number of standard attachments of the current email
StandardAttachmentNamesIEnumerable<string>The names of standard attachments of the current email
主题字符串Gets or sets the subject line for this email message
目标MailAddressCollectionGets the address collection that contains the recipients of this email message
WebLink字符串Gets the web link
  • O365EventItem
  • O365DriveRemoteItem
  • O365DriveLocalItem
  • Office365Message


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