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Studio User Guide

Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Test Case Templates

Use test case templates as base models for your test cases. For example, you can create a template with data variations to be reused on different tests. You can create test case templates for Test Automation projects, including other file types such as Global Exception Handler. For other projects (e.g., Process), you can create workflow templates.


  • The templates are specific to the project type and the language that is used to create it.
  • The templates cannot be converted to workflows, compiled, or published.
  • You can make use of reusable content by creating a library with test case templates. Test data variation is not exported to the library alongside the test case template.

    Important: The resources referenced in the template will not be copied locally to the project where you are trying to import the library. The template should not contain references to other assets, such as workflows within the library.

Template Sources

When you add a new file, you can choose a template on which to base it. The templates that you can choose from vary depending on the type of file you are adding (workflow or test case) and on whether you have previously added templates to your project Templates folder.

Adding a Local File Template

You can use the contextual menu in the Project panel to manually add execution, and test case templates based on other templates to your project. After you add a template, you can edit it in the Designer, and then use it as a starting point for creating other files.

  • To add a test case template, right-click the Templates folder, and then select Add > Test Case Template. Follow the test case creation process to configure the template.

  • To add an execution template, right-click the Templates folder, and then select Add > Execution Template.

Extract File as Template

  1. Open your workflow in Studio.
  2. In the Project panel, right-click a test case and select Extract as template.

You test case is now stored in Project > Templates. You can copy and paste or move it back to your testing folder.

  • You can create templates directly from the Templates folder for your test cases and workflows.
  • You can use the contextual menu within the Templates folder to perform various actions, such as comparing files.

Test Case Templates in Libraries

You can create test case templates in libraries the same way you create them in processes. After you publish the library, the templates marked as public are available as package file templates in projects where the library is installed.

Creating a Test Case From a Template

  1. Create a Testing project.
  2. Build whatever test case you would like to use as a template.
  3. When you finish building the test case, right-click it, and select Extract as Template.

    Name the template, choose the Templates folder as the location to store it in, and select Create. For this example, the name of the template is MyFirstTestCaseTemplate.

  4. Go to the Design tab, in the File group, select New > Test Case. The New Test Case window is displayed.

  5. Give it an appropriate name, and select the template that you previously created from the Template dropdown list. For this example, choose MyFirstTestCaseTemplate.

Removing a Template

To remove a template, expand the Templates folder in the Project panel, right-click the template, and then select Delete.

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