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Studio User Guide

Last updated Mar 24, 2025

The extension may have been corrupted

The error message This extension may have been corrupted indicates that the browser has detected a potential issue with the installed extension, suggesting that it might be corrupted or damaged.
You can check the extension's status by navigating to chrome://extensions in Google Chrome, where the error message is displayed for the corrupted extension. In most cases, using the associated Repair button can fix the problem.

To see more information about the extension, click Details.

We recommend switching to an installation by Group Policy. If the extension is installed using policy, it is automatically re-downloaded and repaired when it gets corrupted.

Below you can check the possible causes and solutions for this kind of error.

Windows roaming user profile


The browser extension may be corrupted due to a roaming user profile. This issue may appear when large user profiles are synchronized/copied on the machine, and it takes time to copy those user profiles. The log-on or log-off duration increases according to the profile size because of the amount of data copied to or from the network share.

For more information on roaming user profiles, see the Windows official documentation.


To avoid this issue, you can:

  • Exclude the %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data folder from roaming migration (if possible).
  • Use the UserDataFolderMode and UserDataFolderPath properties to configure a persistent folder as custom user data folder. These properties are available for both the classic Open Browser or the modern Use Application/Browser activities.

Damaged or misconfigured browser user profile


The anti-virus, security programs, or files synchronization programs might change / delete / corrupt the extension files. Any such change to the extension files causes the browser to mark the extension as corrupted.

An example to illustrate this would be this one: Chrome deletes extension folders on disk at launch after syncing data.


Make sure the user data folder is in the anti-virus allowlist: %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data.

Alternatively, you can use a different location for the browser user data folder, as described in the Windows roaming user profile section.

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