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Studio User Guide

Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Descriptor Coverage


Descriptor Coverage is a panel that shows information on object recognition UI elements that have been covered during execution. The coverage results are shown in Test Explorer, in the Descriptor Coverage panel. You can use this panel to view activity coverage when you work with Selectors or Object Repository.

When to use descriptor coverage

Testing Selectors and Object Repository UI elements.

Analyzing descriptor coverage results

To view coverage during test execution, you need to run a test case invoking workflows that contain Selectors or make use of Object Repository.

You can analyze selector coverage or debug workflows with failed coverage. If you run all your test cases, the panel shows the number of descriptor references that have passed and provides details on failed selectors. Similarly to Activity Coverage, you can view the activities that have been covered in the Design panel. You can double-click a failed descriptor resolution to go directly to the failed selector, within the workflow.

Important: For test cases, the descriptor coverage percentage is relative to the total number of selectors that go into a test case execution. For example, if you have a test case with selectors and an invoked workflow with selectors, the coverage calculation will be based on the total number of selectors.

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