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Azure DevOps 拡張機能のトラブルシューティング
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Automation Ops ユーザー ガイド
Azure DevOps 拡張機能のトラブルシューティング
Azure DevOps 拡張機能の使用中に問題が発生した場合は、次のトラブルシューティング シナリオを検討してください。
Azure DevOps からタスクまたはパイプラインを実行すると、問題が発生する場合があります。その主な原因は、コマンドで Orchestrator に設定されたスコープが正しくないことです。
この問題が発生すると、次のようなエラー メッセージが表示されることがあります。
Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name for App: ***, Application Id: ***, Application Scope(s): ***, Tenant: ***, Organization Unit: Shared. Please make sure that the provided URL ( is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall."
Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name for App: ***, Application Id: ***, Application Scope(s): ***, Tenant: ***, Organization Unit: Shared. Please make sure that the provided URL ( is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall." -
uipcli Error: 0: UiPath.CommandLine.Core.IdentityHandlers.Exceptions.AccessTokenFetchException: Could not fetch access token.
uipcli Error: 0: UiPath.CommandLine.Core.IdentityHandlers.Exceptions.AccessTokenFetchException: Could not fetch access token. -
{'message':'You are not authorized!','errorCode':0,'result':null,'targetUrl':null,'success':false,'error':{'code':0,'message':'You are not authorized!','details':'You are not allowed to perform this operation.','validationErrors':null},'unAuthorizedRequest':true,'__abp':true} at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.Util.ExceptionsHandler.RunWithFriendlyExceptionMessages[T](Func`1 func)
{'message':'You are not authorized!','errorCode':0,'result':null,'targetUrl':null,'success':false,'error':{'code':0,'message':'You are not authorized!','details':'You are not allowed to perform this operation.','validationErrors':null},'unAuthorizedRequest':true,'__abp':true} at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.Util.ExceptionsHandler.RunWithFriendlyExceptionMessages[T](Func`1 func) -
Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name for App: , Application Id: , Application Scope(s): , Tenant: , Organization Unit: . Please make sure that the provided URL (https://..***.org/) is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall
Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name for App: , Application Id: , Application Scope(s): , Tenant: , Organization Unit: . Please make sure that the provided URL (https://..***.org/) is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall
コマンドで Orchestrator に正しいスコープが設定されていることを確認する必要があります。
詳しくは、「 API アクセスのアプリケーション スコープ」セクションをご覧ください 。