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Automation Ops ユーザー ガイド

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
最終更新日時 2024年12月20日

Azure DevOps 拡張機能のトラブルシューティング

If you run into issues while using the Azure DevOps extension, consider the following troubleshooting scenarios.

Issue related to the Orchestrator scopes


You may encounter issues when running tasks or pipelines from Azure DevOps, usually due to incorrect scopes set for Orchestrator in the command.

When this issue occurs, you may come across error messages such as:

  • Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name for App: ***, Application Id: ***, Application Scope(s): ***, Tenant: ***, Organization Unit: Shared. Please make sure that the provided URL ( is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall."Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name for App: ***, Application Id: ***, Application Scope(s): ***, Tenant: ***, Organization Unit: Shared. Please make sure that the provided URL ( is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall."
  • uipcli Error: 0: UiPath.CommandLine.Core.IdentityHandlers.Exceptions.AccessTokenFetchException: Could not fetch access token.uipcli Error: 0: UiPath.CommandLine.Core.IdentityHandlers.Exceptions.AccessTokenFetchException: Could not fetch access token.
  • {'message':'You are not authorized!','errorCode':0,'result':null,'targetUrl':null,'success':false,'error':{'code':0,'message':'You are not authorized!','details':'You are not allowed to perform this operation.','validationErrors':null},'unAuthorizedRequest':true,'__abp':true} at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.Util.ExceptionsHandler.RunWithFriendlyExceptionMessages[T](Func`1 func){'message':'You are not authorized!','errorCode':0,'result':null,'targetUrl':null,'success':false,'error':{'code':0,'message':'You are not authorized!','details':'You are not allowed to perform this operation.','validationErrors':null},'unAuthorizedRequest':true,'__abp':true} at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.Util.ExceptionsHandler.RunWithFriendlyExceptionMessages[T](Func`1 func)
  • Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name for App: , Application Id: , Application Scope(s): , Tenant: , Organization Unit: . Please make sure that the provided URL (https://..***.org/) is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewallCould not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name for App: , Application Id: , Application Scope(s): , Tenant: , Organization Unit: . Please make sure that the provided URL (https://..***.org/) is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall


You must ensure that you have the correct scopes set for Orchestrator in the command.

For details, see the API Access application scopes section.

  • Issue related to the Orchestrator scopes


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