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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Oct 17, 2024

Updating the Settings

By accessing the Settings page the tenant's Account Owner can customize their tenant by enabling/disabling certain Automation Hub features.

To access it go to Admin Console > Account > Settings.

The page contains the following options:

Display Formatting

  • Date format: use the dropdown list and select the preferred date format for your tenant.

Feature Toggles

  • File Upload: Toggle between enabling or disabling the option allowing users to upload documentation or media files to the Profile page.

    Note: Keep in mind that the option to embed documentation links remains available regardless of how the File Upload is set up.
  • Upload executable files: Toggle between enabling or disabling the option allowing users to attach executable files such as .bat and .exe because these might contain viruses and other malicious code.
  • Mandatory Source Code: This allows you to select if the Source Code field should be mandatory or optional in the Share an automation form.
  • Task Capture: Toggle between enabling or disabling the option to use Task Capture for documenting ideas. These options include the Documentation module under the Idea Profile page and the page displayed after an Employee-driven idea was shared where the Create New Process Document with Task Capture card is displayed.
  • Components: Toggle between hiding or showing all Component related pages and options. These options include the Manage Components page displayed under the Admin Console menu, My Components page displayed under the Workspace menu, the Components page under the Explore menu as well as the Upload Component button.
  • Leaderboard: Toggle between hiding or showing the Leaderboard page under the Explore menu.
  • Gamification: Toggle between hiding or showing User Gamification information(Paths, Badges, Achievements, XP/Experience points).
  • Explore People, User Profiles: This allows you to hide the menus completely from the headers as well as access to the user profiles (users won't be able to view other user's profiles)
  • Automation Store: This allows you to enable or disable access to Automaton Store.
  • Instant Consumption in the Automation Store: This feature allows account owners to control the way their users will interact with the entries from the Automation Store.
  • Comments/Questions - This allows you to enable or disable the Questions/Comments section on the Automation Profile page or Component Profile.

    • The Task Capture integration is automatically disabled when disabling the File Upload option.
    • The Emails, Tasks, and Notifications triggered by the displayed options are turned off if the correspondent option is disabled.

  • Display Formatting
  • Feature Toggles

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