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Last updated Aug 5, 2024

Custom VB functions

Function: Serialize

  • Function: String Serialize(Object value)
  • Description: Returns a string representation of the specified object.

  • Example:


Function: Deserialize

  • Function: T Deserialize<T>(string obj)
  • Description: Returns an object of type T. Takes as input a valid JSON string representation of an object.

  • Example:

    Deserialize(Of AppsFile)(textV)Deserialize(Of AppsFile)(textV)
    Where textV is a variable of type Tex, containing the serialized string of the object.

Function: App.QueryParam

For objects

  • Function:

    T? App.QueryParam<T>((string param, T? defaultValue = default(T))

  • Description:

    • If the query parameter is passed in the URL , the function returns that value deserialized based on generic type T.

    • If the deserialization fails or if the query parameter is not passed in the URL, then the function returns the default value.

  • Example:

    App.QueryParam(Of AppsFile)("file", new AppsFile(""))App.QueryParam(Of AppsFile)("file", new AppsFile(""))

For strings

  • Function:

    string App.QueryParam(string param, string? defaultValue = "")

  • Description:

    • If the query parameter is passed in the URL, the function returns that value as string.

    • If the query parameter is not passed in the URL, the function return the default value.

  • Example:

    App.QueryParam("stringVariable", "defaultText")App.QueryParam("stringVariable", "defaultText")

Function: Add item to list

  • Function: List<T> AddItemToList<T>(List<T> list, T value)
  • Description: Given a list of type T, appends an item to the list and returns the updated list.

  • Example:

    AddItemToList(Of String)(stringList, "AddMe")AddItemToList(Of String)(stringList, "AddMe")

Function: Update list item at index

  • Function:

    List<T> UpdateListItemAtIndex<T>(List<T> list, int index, T value)

  • Description: Given a list of type T, updates the item at the specified index, and returns the updated list.

  • Example:

    UpdateListItemAtIndex(Of String)(stringList, MainPage.EditGrid.RowIndex,"UpdateValue")UpdateListItemAtIndex(Of String)(stringList, MainPage.EditGrid.RowIndex,"UpdateValue")

Function: Delete item from list

  • Function:

    List<T> DeleteItemFromList<T>(List<T> list, int index)

  • Description: Given a list of type T, deletes the item at the specified index and returns the updated list.

  • Example:

    DeleteItemFromList(Of String)(stringList, MainPage.EditGrid.RowIndex)DeleteItemFromList(Of String)(stringList, MainPage.EditGrid.RowIndex)

Function: Fetch

  • Function:

    ListSource<T> Fetch<T>(FilterGroup group = null, PaginationProps paginationProps = null, SortOption[] sortOptions = null, string[] selectedFields = null, ExpansionFieldOption[] expansionFieldOptions = null )

  • Description: Returns all the records of an entity object, according to the mentioned parameters.

  • Example:

    Fetch(of AlexEntity)(createFilterGroup(Nothing, New FilterGroup(){createFilterGroup(New QueryFilter(){addFilter(MainPage.EditGrid.SearchColumn, "contains", MainPage.EditGrid.SearchTerm)}, Nothing, 0)}, 0), New PaginationProps(MainPage.EditGrid.PageStart, MainPage.EditGrid.PageLimit), New SortOption(){addSortOption(MainPage.EditGrid.SortColumn, Not(Not(MainPage.EditGrid.isDescending)))}, Nothing, New ExpansionFieldOption(){addExpansionFieldOption("CreatedBy", New String(){"Id","Name"}), addExpansionFieldOption("UpdatedBy", New String(){"Id","Name"})})Fetch(of AlexEntity)(createFilterGroup(Nothing, New FilterGroup(){createFilterGroup(New QueryFilter(){addFilter(MainPage.EditGrid.SearchColumn, "contains", MainPage.EditGrid.SearchTerm)}, Nothing, 0)}, 0), New PaginationProps(MainPage.EditGrid.PageStart, MainPage.EditGrid.PageLimit), New SortOption(){addSortOption(MainPage.EditGrid.SortColumn, Not(Not(MainPage.EditGrid.isDescending)))}, Nothing, New ExpansionFieldOption(){addExpansionFieldOption("CreatedBy", New String(){"Id","Name"}), addExpansionFieldOption("UpdatedBy", New String(){"Id","Name"})})
    The Fetch() function is used by the Query builder and it is asynchronous.

Function: Fetch one

  • Function:

    T FetchOne<T>(FilterGroup group = null, PaginationProps paginationProps = null, SortOption[] sortOptions = null, string[] selectedFields = null, ExpansionFieldOption[] expansionFieldOptions = null)

  • Description: Returns a single record of an entity object, according to the mentioned parameters.

  • Example:

    FetchOne(of Employee)(
            createFilterGroup(new QueryFilter(){addFilter(
                new PaginationProps(MainPage.EditGrid.PageStart, MainPage.EditGrid.PageLimit),
                new SortOption(){
    )FetchOne(of Employee)(
            createFilterGroup(new QueryFilter(){addFilter(
                new PaginationProps(MainPage.EditGrid.PageStart, MainPage.EditGrid.PageLimit),
                new SortOption(){
    The FetchOne() function is used by the Query builder and it is asynchronous.

Function: Create filter group

  • Function:

    FilterGroup createFilterGroup(QueryFilter[] queryFilters, FilterGroup[] groups = null, int isAnd = 0)

  • Description: Given an array of query filters and filter groups, generates a filter group.

  • Example:

    createFilterGroup(Nothing, New FilterGroup(){createFilterGroup(New QueryFilter(){addFilter(MainPage.EditGrid.SearchColumn, "contains", MainPage.EditGrid.SearchTerm)}, Nothing, 0)}, 0)createFilterGroup(Nothing, New FilterGroup(){createFilterGroup(New QueryFilter(){addFilter(MainPage.EditGrid.SearchColumn, "contains", MainPage.EditGrid.SearchTerm)}, Nothing, 0)}, 0)
The createFilterGroup() function is used by the Query builder.

Function: Add filter

  • Function:

    QueryFilter addFilter(string columnName, string colOperator, string value)

  • Description: Given a column name, operator and value, generates a query filter.

  • Example:

    addFilter(MainPage.EditGrid.SearchColumn, "contains", MainPage.EditGrid.SearchTerm)addFilter(MainPage.EditGrid.SearchColumn, "contains", MainPage.EditGrid.SearchTerm)
The addFilter() function is used by the Query builder.

Function: Add sort option

  • Function:

    SortOption addSortOption(string columnName, bool isDescending = false)

  • Description: Given a column name and a sorting value, generates and sorts a query filter.

  • Example:

    addSortOption(MainPage.EditGrid.SortColumn, Not(Not(MainPage.EditGrid.isDescending)))}addSortOption(MainPage.EditGrid.SortColumn, Not(Not(MainPage.EditGrid.isDescending)))}
The addSortOption() function is used by the Query builder.

Function: Get choice set

  • Function:

    ListSource<ChoiceSet> GetChoiceSet(string choiceSetName)

  • Description: Given the name of a Data Service choice set, returns all the values in the choice set.

  • Example:


The entity hosting the choice set must be added in your app.

The GetChoiceSet() function is asynchronous.

Function: Get choice set value

  • Function:

    string GetChoiceSetValue(string choiceSetName, int numberId)

  • Description: Given the name of a Data Service choice set and the index of a choice set option, returns the specified option.

  • Example:

    GetChoiceSetValue("Gender", 0)GetChoiceSetValue("Gender", 0)

The entity hosting the choice set must be added in your app.

Function: Build data table

  • Function:

    DataTable BuildDataTable(DataTable dt, DataColumn[] columns, List<Object> rowData, bool clear=false)

  • Description: Loads a data table with columns and rows in the Set Value rule and returns the updated data table.

    If the clear parameter is true, it clears the content in the columns and the rows of the data table.
  • Example:

        New DataTable("TestDT"), 
        New DataColumn(){ New DataColumn("Name"), New DataColumn("Age")},
        New List(Of Object) From { 
            AddDataRow(New Object(){"Baishali", "30"}), 
            AddDataRow(New Object(){"Viswa", "33"}) 
        New DataTable("TestDT"), 
        New DataColumn(){ New DataColumn("Name"), New DataColumn("Age")},
        New List(Of Object) From { 
            AddDataRow(New Object(){"Baishali", "30"}), 
            AddDataRow(New Object(){"Viswa", "33"}) 

Function: Add row

  • Function: AddRow(DataRow row)
  • Description: DataTable extension method that adds the specified row to a data table and returns the updated instance.

  • Example:


Function: Delete row

  • Function: DeleteRowAt(int index)
  • Description: DataTable extension method that deletes the row at the specified index in a data table and returns the updated instance.

  • Example:


Function: Update row at

  • Function: UpdateRowAt(int index, DataRow row)
  • Description: DataTable extension method that updates the row at the specified index with the new row data and returns the updated data table.

  • Example:

    dt.UpdateRowAt(2, row)dt.UpdateRowAt(2, row)

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