Task Mining
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Task Mining
Last updated Apr 26, 2024

Starting a new project


To start a new project, you need to have the Administrator or Project Creator role assigned.

Assisted Task Mining

  1. In the project dashboard, select Start a new project. The Recording method page is displayed allowing you to set up a new data capturing project.
  2. Make sure Task Mining is selected and then select Next.
  3. In the Project name box, add a name for your project.
    Project names can contain only English characters, numbers, white spaces and underscores. Names starting with white space or numbers are invalid.
  4. Provide a context description to inform the recording users about the goal of the recording. For example, you can describe the scenario you want the user to record and add notes for the user to pay attention to when recording.
  5. Select Next to continue.
  6. Add recording users by typing the username, group name, or email and select the desired result from the drop-down list.

You can also add later recording users by asking a colleague to record.

Now you can start Build trace or Capturing with the recorder.

Changing the recording language

By default, the recording language for an Assisted Task Mining project is set to English. If desired, you can select to use Japanese as the recording language when creating a new Assisted Task Mining project.

Follow these steps to select Japanese as the recording language.

  1. Select Advanced options.

  2. Select Japanese from the Language drop-down menu.

Unassisted Task Mining


If Unassisted Task Mining is not available while there are AI Units in your account, try the steps described in the Troubleshooting section.

Follow these steps to create an Unassisted Task Mining project.

  1. In the project dashboard, select Start a new project.


    You need to have the Administrator or Project Creator role assigned.

    The Recording method page is displayed allowing you to set up a new data capturing project.

  2. Make sure Task Mining is selected and then select Next.

  3. In the Project name box, add a name for your project.
    Note: Project names can contain only English characters, numbers, white spaces and underscores. Names starting with white space or numbers are invalid.
  4. Provide a context description to inform the recording users about the goal of the recording. For example, you can describe the scenario you want the user to record and add notes for the user to pay attention to when recording.
  5. Select Advanced options.

  6. Select the Enable Unassisted Task Mining option.

    Carefully read the recommendations for starting an Unassisted Task Mining project before you continue. You are strongly recommended to take the Guided Self-Assessment from the linked assessment spreadsheet to evaluate suitability before starting your Unassisted Task Mining project.

  7. Select Next to continue.

  8. Add recording users by typing the username, group name, or email and select the desired result from the drop-down list. Users will receive an email invitation to the project and also a link to download the Recorder.

    If you skip this step, you can invite users in a project by following the steps fromInviting recording users.

  9. The Recorder needs to have a set of allowed and denied applications. Add them to the list and select Done.

As soon as you create a new project, it is made available in the Projects list. Select it to open the project from where you can access the Overview, Team, Configure the project settings, and Discovery results tabs.

  • Assisted Task Mining
  • Changing the recording language
  • Unassisted Task Mining

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