- Release notes
- Task Mining overview
- Setup and configuration
- Enabling the Task Mining service
- Managing access and roles
- Recorder settings
- Notifications
- Task Mining
- Additional resources
Managing access and roles
A role is a collection of permissions and represents a more granular layer for managing user access, following the broader option of maintaining access through groups. You can assign roles to groups or to individual users. When you assign a role to a group, all users in the group inherit the role.
Type |
Description |
Available roles |
Service-level roles | Roles that control the actions that users can perform throughout the Task Mining service in the tenant. |
The Administrator role includes the Project Creator role by default. |
Project-level roles | Roles that control the actions that users can perform on specific Task Mining projects. |
Below is an overview of the permissions for Service-level roles.
Permissions / Roles |
Administrator |
Project Creator |
Create Projects |
Read Projects |
YES | YES* |
Update Projects |
YES | YES* |
Archive Projects |
YES | YES* |
Delete TM Projects |
YES | YES* |
Assign Roles |
YES | YES* |
Remove Roles assignment |
YES | YES* |
View project status (Project Insights page) |
YES | YES* |
View project Team tab |
YES | YES* |
View project Settings |
YES | YES* |
Update project Settings |
YES | YES* |
Contribute data to the project |
NO |
NO |
Start/Stop/Pause recording users |
YES | YES* |
Start Analysis |
YES | YES* |
View Discovery Results |
YES | YES* |
Update Discovery Results |
YES | YES* |
Delete Discovery Results |
YES | YES* |
Manage Access |
YES | YES* |
View download page |
*) The permission applies only to the projects created the Project Creator.
Below is an overview of the permissions for Project-level roles.
Permissions / Roles |
Project Administrator |
Business Analyst |
Recording User |
Create Projects |
NO |
NO |
NO |
Read Projects |
YES* |
YES* |
Update Projects |
YES* |
NO |
NO |
Archive Projects |
YES* |
NO |
NO |
Delete TM Projects |
YES* |
NO |
NO |
Assign Roles |
YES** |
NO |
Remove Roles assignment |
NO |
NO |
View project status (Project Insights page) |
YES* |
YES* |
View project Team tab |
YES* |
YES* |
View project Settings |
YES* |
YES* |
Update project Settings |
YES* |
NO |
NO |
Contribute data to the project |
NO |
NO |
Start/Stop/Pause recording users |
NO |
NO |
Start Analysis |
YES* |
NO |
NO |
View Discovery Results |
YES* |
NO |
Update Discovery Results |
YES* |
NO |
Delete Discovery Results |
YES* |
NO |
NO |
Manage Access |
YES*** |
NO |
NO |
View download page |
*) The permission only applies to the projects the user with the role is assigned to.
**) A Business Analyst can only assign the Business Analyst role.
***) Read-only.
By default, only Organization Administrators can create new Task Mining projects. Organization Administrators are members of the Administrators group.
If you want to allow additional users or groups to create Task Mining projects, you need to assign them the Administrator or Project Creator role in Task Mining.
Administrators can manage access for users to the Task Mining service in the Manage access page.
You can set access for users only for Task Mining and not for other Cloud services.
Role |
Permissions |
Administrator |
By default, users that are in the Administrators group have the Administrator role assigned. |
Project Creator |
An Administrator or Project Creator who creates a new Task Mining project automatically has the Project administrator project-level role assigned for the created project.
You can assign roles to a new user or group, or you can edit a user or group that is already in the list on the Role assignments tab.
Follow these steps to assign a role to one user, several users, or a group.
In Task Mining, go to Manage access.
On the Role assignments tab, select Assign role.
The Assign roles panel is displayed.
In the Add users/groups/apps field, enter the email address of the user, or the name of the group to which you want to assign one or more roles.
If you want to assign the same role or roles to multiple users or groups, repeat step 3 to add the users and/or roles.
Select the service-level roles you want to assign.
Select Assign.
A notification message is displayed and an email is sent to the user or users.
New users and/or groups are listed on the Role assignments tab. For each user or group the assigned role is displayed.
Follow these steps to assign a different service-level role for a user or group.
In Task Mining, go to Manage access.
Go to the Role assignments tab.
Locate the user or group for which you want to change the assigned role, and select to open the context menu.
Select Edit. The Edit role assignment panel is displayed.
Select the role or roles you want to assign to the user or group.
Select Assign.
When you remove a user or a group, the individual user, or the users that are part of the group do no longer have the assigned permissions as an Administrator or Project Creator in Task Mining.
Follow these steps to remove a user or group.
In Task Mining, go to Manage access.
Go to the Role assignments tab.
Locate the user or group for which you want to remove the assigned roles, and select to open the context menu.
Select Remove. A confirmation message is displayed.
Select Remove to remove the selected user or group
Role | Permissions (Task Mining projects) | Permissions (Unassisted Task Mining projects) |
Project administrator (UTM) Project Admin (Task Mining) |
Business Analyst |
Recording user |
Assigning project-level roles in a Task Mining project
As a Project Admin, you can assign project-level roles by sharing the project with other users in your organization. See Sharing a project.
Assigning project-level roles in an Unassisted Task Mining project
You need to have the Project administrator or the Business Analyst role assigned to assign project-level roles for an Unassisted Task Mining project. If you have the Project administrator role, you can assign Project administrator, Business Analyst, or Recording user roles. If you have the Business Analyst role assigned, you can only assign the Business Analyst role. For example, if you are a Business Analyst and you want to collaborate on the project with a colleague Business Analyst.
You can assign project-level roles from the Team page. See Inviting recording users and Assigning Project administrators and Business analysts.