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Studio User Guide

Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Test Explorer


Test Explorer is a panel that shows information relevant to test automation. You can use Test Explorer and its sub-panels to group tests together, perform debugging, or analyze activity coverage.

Within a Process project, both test cases and workflows are shown by default, whereas within a Test Automation project, the Test Explorer panel shows, by default, only test cases . For example, if you have a data-driven test case, it shows up collapsed by default, with the number of variations placed under parentheses (e.g., TestCaseValues (6)).


  • Studio version 2021.10.1+
  • Testing activities v1.4.3+


  • Test Explorer results information is session-based. This means that if you close Studio the information shown in Test Explorer will be cleared.
  • The test cases are listed in Test Explorer based on an execution order.

Working With Test Explorer

To show only relevant information, you can use the Test Explorer toolbar to filter test results based on result state. Additionally, you can use multiple options to run the test cases again.

Test Explorer header

According to the image above, from left to right, you can take the following actions from the Test Explorer header:

  1. Run All test cases in View.
  2. Run or Debug test cases.
  3. Filter the panel based on passed test cases.
  4. Filter the panel based on failed test cases.
  5. Filter the panel based on not executed test cases.
  6. Filter the panel based on manual test cases.

For example, you can use the contextual menu to add, update, and remove test data on your test cases.

Test case contextual menu

The table below lists the actions you can take in the contextual menu of a test case inside the Text Explorer.

RunRun the selected test case.
DebugDebug the selected test case.
Add Test DataImport a data variation source to the selected test case.
Show in Project ExplorerShow the selected test case in the Project panel.
Set Execution TemplateSet an execution template for the selected test case.
Link to Test ManagerLink the selected test case to Test Manager.

Test Explorer actions

The following table lists the actions that you can take in the Test Explorer panel.



Run All in View

Note: You can select multiple test cases before taking an action.
  • Run All In View: Run tests that are currently in view through all filters.
  • Run All: Run all test cases and workflows.
  • Run Selected: Run only selected test cases and workflows. Additionally, you can use the contextual menu by right-clicking a file and selecting Run.
  • Run Failed Test Cases: Run only failed test cases.
  • Debug Selected: Debug only selected test cases and workflows. Additionally, you can use the contextual menu by right-clicking a file and selecting Debug.
  • Debug Failed Test Cases: Debug only failed test cases.
  • Repeat Last Test Run: Run the latest test.

Passed Test Cases

Show only test cases that have passed.

Failed Test Cases

Show only test cases that have failed.

Not Executed Test Cases

Show only test cases that have not been executed.


Expand or collapse all test cases.

Clear execution results

Clear all execution results shown in the Test Explorer Panel.


Refresh the information shown in the Test Results panel. You can also use this action to populate Test Explorer with newly added test cases.

Filter by File Type

Choose what to show in the Test Explorer panel.

Filter by Editing Status

Choose whether you want to show in progress test cases or workflows that have been ignored from execution.

Filter by Display Options

Choose whether to show activity coverage or execution time.

Filter by Covered/Uncovered Activities

Choose whether to show in the Designer panel the activities that have been covered during the execution.

Search Tests

Use the search function to look for test case names.

Tip: Check out the following additional actions:

To view test summary (e.g. view passes/failed test cases), see Test Results.

To check which activities have been covered during execution, see Activity Coverage.

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