  • Introduction
    • About this guide
    • UiPath Glossary
  • Product lifecycle
  • Licensing
    • Platform licensing
    • User licensing
    • Service licensing
    • License naming history
    • Transitioning NonProduction Robot licenses to Testing Robot licenses
  • Delivery options
  • UiPath Platform
  • UiPath documentation
  • Troubleshooting
Last updated Oct 21, 2024

Service licensing

These licenses can be distributed to your organizations and tenants. They provide specific functionality to support or manage business processes. Service licenses target a specific metric, such as service instances, service capacity, or service consumption units.

Service capacity

Some types of license control the allowed service capacity.

For example, the number of execution slots (runtimes) for Orchestrator and AI Center, throughput limit for Computer Vision, or units for Data Service.

Runtimes (robot licenses)

Runtimes are licenses related to robot use - in this case, robot refers to the entity that executes an automation.

They are used for executing unattended processes and are meant to be assigned to machine objects - either a standard machine or a machine template.

The number of runtimes assigned to a machine object represents the execution capacity for running automations on each host machine that is attached to that machine object concurrently. For example, with one runtime, only one automation can be executed at a time. With 5 runtimes, up to 5 automations can be executed at the same time on the same host machine. However, this takes into account the type of process, as follows:

  • Concurrent execution: Robots have the ability for concurrent execution, meaning that, on the same machine, they can execute multiple processes simultaneously. For concurrent execution, a machine must have more than one runtime allocated. The number of allocated runtimes determines the number of processes that can run simultaneously on the same machine.

  • Foreground processes: In the case of foreground processes, only one such process can run at the same time. So even though a machine has, for example, 5 runtimes allocated, foreground processes are executed one at a time.

  • Background processes: A Windows workstation can run only one background process at a time, and therefore it is recommended to assign only one runtime to it. But you can also have more robots defined on a machine than the number of runtimes allocated to that machine.


A Windows Server machine can have several robots executing processes simultaneously, and therefore you can assign more runtimes to it to allow for concurrent execution.

Runtimes are allocated to tenants and constitute the tenant's pool of runtimes. When a host machine connects to UiPath® Orchestrator, the number of runtimes assigned to its associated machine object is consumed from the tenant pool. When the host machine disconnects, the runtimes return to the tenant pool.

While online and connected to Orchestrator, a machine consumes a number of licenses equal to the runtime capacity of the machine template used to connect to Orchestrator. The runtime represents the maximum number of robots that can simultaneously run on a specific machine and it is manually customizable.

Types of runtimes

There are several types of runtimes that are required to run certain types of processes or to use automations that pertain to a certain UiPath product.

Unattended or NonProduction runtimes

Unattended runtimes can be used in production to run unattended processes, while NonProduction runtimes are reserved for dry-running unattended process to make sure they run as expected before deploying them to production.

In this model of licensing, we count the maximum number of Unattended or NonProduction robots that are able to execute processes simultaneously. This number is given by the total number of runtimes allocated to all the online machines. You can distribute these licenses across all your machines.

All the machines that have robots defined as Unattended are listed in the Unattended or NonProduction page, along with the number of allocated runtimes, the number of defined and running Robots, and the machine's license status.

The number of runtimes assigned to a machine determines the number of Unattended or NonProduction licenses consumed when the UiPath Robot is running on the machine. The number of robots defined on a machine, on the other hand, is not dependent on the number of runtimes.

Testing runtimes

The Testing license works similarly to the Unattended license, where we count the maximum number of Testing robots that are able to execute tests simultaneously. This number is given by the total number of runtimes allocated to all the online machines. You can distribute these licenses across all your machines.

For the full list of available runtimes, see the UiPath Licensing page. On the Licensing page, the term Robot is used when referring to runtimes.

Data Service units

  • 1 Data Service Unit grants 1 GB of data storage, 5 GB of attachment storage, a maximum of 10K API calls per day.
  • 1 Data Service Unit is granted for each pair of user/unattended robot licenses purchased.

AI Computer Vision licenses

This type of license controls the throughput limit. Throughput means the amount of data (in megapixels) that can be processed every minute by our AI Computer Vision servers based on your license entitlement.

One account can use a single AI Computer Vision license.

Access to the AI Computer Vision servers is granted based on an API Key. The API key can be generated (or re-generated, if needed) from:

  • Automation Cloud and Automation Suite: the Admin > Licenses page, on the Robots & Services tab.
  • Orchestrator standalone: the Licenses page of the host Management portal.

Service instances

For certain products, you can have distinct instances within each tenant. Licenses for these products control the number of allowed service instances. For example, if you have 3 Automation Hub licenses allocated to your organization and 4 tenants, you can enable the Automation Hub service is any 3 tenants you want.

Automation Hub licenses

An Automation Hub license controls the number of allowed Automation Hub instances. For each newly created Automation Hub service, a unit is subtracted from the total number of allowed services.

Service consumption units

The license controls the allowed service-specific units that are available. As the service is being used, units are consumed and when you run out of units, you can no longer use the service.

For example, for Document Understanding, the license specifies the maximum number of pages you can process using the service. As you process pages, the units are used up and your unit count goes down. When you have no more units, you can no longer process pages and you must purchase additional units to use the service further.

Document Understanding™ licenses

For a Document Understanding license, the license unit is the number of pages, allowing you to extract a certain number of document pages on our ML servers. Available Document Understanding licenses allow 40k page units, 1M page units, or 10M page units.

Access to the models and endpoints is granted based on an API Key. The API Key is generated automatically when you create your account, and it is required for the Machine Learning Extractor activity in UiPath Studio.

AI units

AI units is the measure used to license AI products. AI units are charged based on consumption when the models are bringing value to you.

For detailed information on metering and charging logic, or tracking, see:

Robot units

RUs are required to run unattended automations using robots that are hosted by UiPath, namely:

  • UiPath Automation CloudTM Robots - VM (Cloud Robots - VM) - Documentation
  • UiPath Automation CloudTM Robots - Serverless (Cloud Robots - Serverless) - Documentation
  • UiPath Automation Suite Robots - Serverless

VM and serverless robots do not require unattended runtimes. They are licensed for unattended use through robot units.


Robot units allow you to use one or both types of cloud robots, but they consume robot units differently:


Testing - consumed amount 1

Production - consumed amount


Cloud Robot - VM

By machine size:

• Small - 2,000

• Standard - 3,000

• Medium - 5,500

• Large - 9,000

By cost profile:

Selecting Fast or Always cost profiles adds extra RUs to the existing consumption rate:

Fast - adds 500 RUs/month

Always - adds 1,000 RUs/month

By machine size:

• Small - 5,000

• Standard - 6,000

• Medium - 7,500

• Large - 10,000

By cost profile:

Selecting Fast or Always cost profiles adds extra RUs to the existing consumption rate:

Fast - adds 500 RUs/month

Always - adds 1,000 RUs/month

Consumption: Robot units are consumed from the tenant's annual available RUs, shortly after it is created.

Additional costs: A licensed machine can run as long as needed with no additional RU consumption.

Reserved RUs: The required amount of RUs to be consumed by each Cloud Robot - VM machine is reserved per month, at the turn of each month. Details...

Cloud Robot - Serverless

X RUs / minute that a job runs
  • Small: 0.5 RU
  • Standard: 1 RUs
  • Medium: 2 RUs
  • Large: 5 RUs
X RUs / minute that a job runs
  • Small: 1 RU
  • Standard: 2 RUs
  • Medium: 4 RUs
  • Large: 10 RUs
Cost: For every minute that a job runs, X RUs are consumed from the tenant's available RUs for the year. The value of X depends on the machine size.

Consumption: The RUs are deducted from either a user's own RU pool (if granted by their license for the execution scenario) or from the tenant's available RUs. As an exception, after the user RU pool is depleted, user-run automations may consume RUs from the tenant pool, if available. The RUs are deducted after the job completes.

Reserved RUs: For Serverless, RUs are not reserved, so the tenant pool must include sufficient available RUs to run jobs.

1 You must be on the Enterprise,Pro, or Pro Trial licensing plan to use this feature.

Robot unit reserve

For Cloud Robot - VM machines, once a machine is created and the RUs are consumed, we also make note of the required RU quantity and internally reserve it for the following month.

What this means is that when a month starts, the required RUs for your existing Cloud Robot - VM machines are automatically deducted from the tenant's monthly RU pool to make sure they can run for the month.

For this reason, you could find that the robot unit amount for a tenant can be lower than you would expect at the start of the month.

Example: Let's consider a tenant with 30,000 RUs allocated. If, on the 31st of May, the tenant has 3 Cloud Robot - VM standard machines, then on the 1st of June when the next month's RUs are allocated, the amount of 18,000 RUs (3 x 6,000) is automatically deducted from the tenant's RU balance. Therefore, this tenant has only 12,000 available RUs at the beginning of the month.

Deleted machines: If, during the month, you delete a Cloud Robot- VM machine, the RUs that were consumed to create the machine are not refunded. You can, however, for the duration of the month, create another Cloud Robot - VM machine without using additional RUs. Once consumed, RUs allow you the use of one Cloud Robot - VM machine for the entire month - they are not tied to a particular machine.

If you want to reduce your monthly RU budget for Cloud Robot - VM, you can delete a Cloud Robot - VM machine before the month ends. This way, RUs are no longer reserved for the machine and are not consumed from next month's RUs.

Read more details on how RUs are released and reused for Cloud Robots - VM pools.


Example for calculating RU requirements

Let's consider an organization with 3 tenants that opt for production runtimes.


Cloud robot needs

RU cost

Tenant 1

  • 2 x Cloud Robot - VM standard machines
  • 1 x Cloud Robot - Serverless machine - Estimated duration: 600 minutes (10 hours) / month; machine size: Medium (4 RUs/min)
VM cost: 2 x 6,000 = 12,000
Serverless cost: 600 x 4 = 2,400
Total requirement for tenant: 14,400 RUs / month

Tenant 2

  • 1 x Cloud Robot - VM standard machine

VM cost: 1 x 6,000

Total requirement for tenant: 6,000 RUs / month

Tenant 3

  • 5 x Cloud Robot - Serverless machine - Estimated duration: 180 minutes (3 hours) daily on business days; machine size: Medium (4 RUs/min)
Serverless cost: 180 x 23 x 4 = 16,560
  • Because the number of business days in a month varies, we will consider the maximum number of 23 business days to make sure there will be enough RUs.
  • Even though this tenant will be using several machines, RUs are consumed by the minute for Cloud Robot - Serverless, so we are only concerned with the duration.
Total requirement for tenant: 16,560 RUs / month


  • Tenant 1: 14,400 RUs / month
  • Tenant 2: 6,000 RUs / month
  • Tenant 3: 16,560 RUs / month
Cost for all tenants: 14,400 + 6,000 + 16,560
Total requirement for organization: 36,960 RUs / month

Integration Service API calls

Integration Service API calls measure the usage of Integration Service activities. One API call is consumed when a call is made to a third party application, regardless of how the call is initiated, i.e. manually, through an attended process, or through an unattended automation.

Integration Service API calls are available as follows:

  • As a dedicated bundle, purchased as a platform individual SKU. These can be used until the available quantity runs out.

  • Bundled with a license, as part of a combined SKU. These are renewed monthly, along with the license they pertain to.

See the dedicated Integration Service documentation for details on consumption.

The UiPath licensing platform lists all SKUs relevant to Integration Service API calls.

SAP Transport Units

SAP Transport Units are used for licensing the SAP Change Impact Analysis feature within Test Manager. They can be purchased in bundles of 100 units, and are only available on the Enterprise licensing plan.

One SAP Transport Unit is consumed for each unique SAP transport that you choose to analyze on your SAP Instance. No units are consumed if you want to repeat the analysis on transports that have already been analyzed.

Autopilot actions

Autopilot actions measure the usage of Autopilot-specific activities. One such action is counted from the time you click a button or write a prompt up until the time you receive a result from that click or prompt.

Autopilot actions are included by default in existing SKUs and plans. For details on the number of available actions, check out Plan breakdown.

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