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Orchestrator user guide

Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Managing Accounts and Groups

Adding a User Account

  1. Log in to your organization Administration portal at https://<server>/identity/management/users as an administrator.
  2. On the Accounts & Groups page, on the Users tab, click Add User in the top right.

    The Add User panel opens at the right of the window.

  3. If an External Provider integration is enabled for authentication, from the Domain Name list, select the domain to which the user account belongs.
    • It can take up to an hour to update the domain list with newly added two-way trusted domains.

    • Due to various networking or configuration issues, there is a chance that not all domains displayed in the Domain Name list are accessible.
    • Changes made to directory user or directory group names are not propagated to Orchestrator.
  4. Fill in the remaining user details.
    • If you are integrated with an external directory, the password is not required and, if system email notifications are set up, the user receives an email with their account details and can set their own password at first login.
    • If not, you must set a password for the account. The user will need the email address (or username) and password to log in to Orchestrator.
  5. Under Group Membership, select the checkboxes for the groups to which you want to add this account.

    Adding an account to a group grants them the same roles and robot setup as set for the group.

  6. Click Save to add the account.

    If system email notifications are configured, the user receives an email message to confirm their account to log in.

  7. If you want to assign additional roles to this account, or perform robot setup (in addition to what is inherited through group membership), continue with Assigning roles to an account.

Adding a Robot Account

  1. Log in to your organization Administration portal at https://<server>/identity/management/users as an administrator.
  2. On the Accounts & Groups page, select the Robot accounts tab.
  3. Click Add Robot Account in the top right. The Add Robot Account panel opens at the right of the window.
  4. Fill in the Name field with a descriptive name. You will need to search by this account name in Orchestrator to use it.
  5. Under Group Membership, select the checkboxes for the groups to which you want to add this account.

    Adding an account to a group grants them the same roles and robot setup as set for the group.

  6. Click Save to add the account.

    If system email notifications are configured, the user receives an email message to confirm their account to log in.

  7. If you want to assign additional roles to this account, or perform robot setup (in addition to what is inherited through group membership), continue with assigning roles to the account.

Adding a Group

  1. Log in to your organization Administration portal at https://<server>/identity/management/users as an administrator.
  2. On the Accounts & Groups page, select the Groups tab.
  3. Click Add Group in the top right. The Add Group panel opens at the right of the window.
  4. Fill in the Name field with a descriptive name.

    You will need to search by this name in Orchestrator to use it.

  5. In the Add Users or Groups text box, start typing to search for an account (local or directory) or directory group that you want to add to this new group.
  6. Select the account or group from the search results and then you can type to search for another user or group to add.
  7. After you've added all group members, click Add to create the group.
  8. Continue with Assigning roles to a group to add the roles and robot setup needed for members of this group.
    Note: Group setup (roles, web login, robot settings) are passed on to any local account, directory account, or directory group that belongs to that group and that is later on manually added or auto-provisioned.

Deleting an Account or Group

  1. Log in to your organization Administration portal at https://<server>/identity/management/users as an administrator.
  2. On the Accounts & Groups page, select the appropriate tab for the entity you want to delete.
  3. At the right end of the row, click the docs image Delete icon.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete to proceed.
    Note: Can't delete an account?
    • You cannot remove a user account that has the Administrator role.
    • Accounts that are part of mappings for active triggers cannot be deleted or unassigned from the folder where the trigger resides. Make sure the account is not set as an execution target in a trigger to be able to delete them.

    License lock

    Removing a directory group does not remove the license of an associated directory user, even if the group removal unassigns the user from any folder. The only way to release the license is to close their Assistant.

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