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Guide de l'utilisateur d'Orchestrator

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Dernière mise à jour 5 déc. 2024

Configuring robot accounts to run unattended automations

L’automatisation Unattended s’exécute généralement sur des comptes Robot, l’équivalent UiPath® des comptes de service Windows. Les comptes Robot peuvent être considérés comme des identités non humaines qui doivent être autorisées pour accéder aux ressources Orchestrator. Leur association avec des rôles permet un certain niveau d’accès aux ressources dans Orchestrator.

Les comptes Robot ont leurs capacités Unattended activées par défaut, les administrateurs n'ont qu'à configurer plusieurs paramètres liés à l'infrastructure.

Activation de l'automatisation Unattended sur un compte de robot

Configure unattended execution settings under a robot account and on a specific infrastructure as follows:

  1. Under Manage Access - Access Rules, select Robot accounts.
  2. Then, either select Assign robot account, to assign a new robot account and add roles, or edit an existing robot account.
  3. On the Assign access rules page, under Unattended setup, select the infrastructure to execute unattended foreground processes under that robot account:
    1. Select the Unattended robot using predefined VM credentials (for runs on UiPath Automation Cloud robots only) option to delegate Automation Cloud robots for executing processes that require user interaction. The robots use a preconfigured Windows account when they execute processes.
    2. Select the Unattended robot using custom Windows credentials option.
    3. Next, to execute processes on a specific Windows machine, fill in the Domain\Username and Password fields.
      You must specify the correct credentials for the host machine, so the robot can log into it successfully. This allows the robot to run processes that require user interaction under that specific Windows account. For more details on how to retrieve your Windows credentials, check How to find my computer credential information in Windows 10.

      To configure the credential settings when you use specific Windows accounts, check the following:



      Domaine\Nom d'utilisateur (Domain\Username)

      Le compte sous lequel le robot s'exécute.

      • Dans le cas de comptes liés à un domaine, utilisez la syntaxe domain\username. Par exemple, deskover\localUser1.
      • For local Windows accounts, use the host_machine_name\username syntax, with the name of the host machine, instead of the domain. For example, LAPTOP1935\localUser2.
      • For local Windows accounts residing on multiple host machines, that you want to use regardless of the machine, use the .\username syntax with a dot instead of the host machine name. For example .\localUser3.
      • Pour les machines associées à Azure AD, utilisez la syntaxe azuread\username@domain.com.

      Magasin d'identifiants

      The credential store used for your password. For more details, check the Credential stores page.

      Mot de passe (Password)

      The password used to log into the machine where UiPath Robot is installed.

      Type d’identifiant

      Spécifie le type d'informations d'identification de mot de passe.

      Note: Unattended robots can run background jobs on any infrastructure. It is, however, recommended to specialize your host machines to execute particular types of processes in order to maximize efficiency and cut costs. Learn more about how to optimize unattended infrastructure using machine templates.
  4. Enable the Run only one job at a time option to restrict the account to simultaneously execute multiple jobs. This helps when you automate applications that do not allow you to use a credential more than once at a time (e.g., SAP).
  5. Under Advanced robot options, configure execution settings for the unattended robot. Learn about robot settings.
  6. Sélectionnez Mettre à jour (Update).
  • Activation de l'automatisation Unattended sur un compte de robot

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