Document Understanding-Aktivitäten
Letzte Aktualisierung 29. Apr. 2024

Über das OCR-Aktivitätspaket

The UiPath.OCR.Activities package includes two activities, the UiPath Screen OCR activity, and the UiPath Document OCR activity.

UiPath Screen OCR is UiPath®'s in-house, machine-learning-based OCR targeted for screens. It can be used as an alternative to the other OCR engines, with any of the available Screen Scraping or Computer Vision activities from the UI Automation package.

UiPath Document OCR is UiPath®'s in-house, machine-learning-based OCR targeted for documents. It can be used in any document scenario in which an OCR engine is needed.

Hinweis: Ab Version 2.4.0 wird dieses Aktivitätspaket für die Verwendung in C#-Projekten validiert.

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