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Productivity Activities

Last updated Mar 19, 2025

Excel Online activities

Note: It can take up to several minutes for the Microsoft API to register changes performed in an Excel file. This may lead to longer debug times for Excel activities and triggers, or to triggers not capturing events.

You must also be aware of when Excel files are updated. With Excel for Desktop, the database is updated when you click the Save button. With Excel Online, the database is updated when you close the Excel window.



Adds a sheet to the specified Excel workbook.

Creates a new Excel workbook.

Deletes a cell range from the specified Excel workbook.

Deletes a sheet from the specified Excel workbook.

Iterates through the rows in a specified range within a worksheet.

Iterates through the sheets within a workbook.

Reads information from the indicated Excel workbook cell.

Reads and saves the information from a specified Excel workbook cell range.

Renames a sheet from the specified Excel workbook.

Writes information in the indicated Excel workbook cell.

Writes a DataTable variable to a specified Excel workbook cell range.

Write RowWrite a row in a selected workbook file using an Array Row or a Data Row.
Write ColumnWrite a column in a selected Excel file using an Array Column or a Data Column.
Delete RowsDelete one or several rows from a specified position in a Workbook range. When you delete a row, the cells below are shifted up.
Delete ColumnDelete a specified column from a sheet, table or range. The column on the right of the deleted column is shifted to the left.

Working with Excel activities

  • It can take up to several minutes for the Microsoft API to register changes performed in an Excel file. This may lead to longer debug times for Excel activities and triggers, or to triggers not capturing events.
  • You must also be aware of when Excel files are updated. With Excel for Desktop, the database is updated when you click the Save button. With Excel Online, the database is updated when you close the Excel window.
  • Shortcuts are not fully supported in the activities, so they are not presented in the Browser widget.

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