Productivity Activities
Last updated Jul 9, 2024


Saves an Outlook mail message to the specified folder.

Namespace: UiPath.Mail.Activities.Api

Assembly: UiPath.Mail.Activities.Api (in UiPath.Mail.Activities.Api.dll)

SaveMail(MailMessage, string, string, ESaveMessageAsType, bool)

void SaveMail(
	MailMessage message,
	string folder,
	string fileName = "",
	ESaveMessageAsType saveAsType = ESaveMessageAsType.OutlookMessageFormatUnicode,
	bool replaceExisting = false
)void SaveMail(
	MailMessage message,
	string folder,
	string fileName = "",
	ESaveMessageAsType saveAsType = ESaveMessageAsType.OutlookMessageFormatUnicode,
	bool replaceExisting = false
message MailMessage
The MailMessage variable that contains the message to save.
folder String

The full path to the existing folder where to save the mail message.

fileName String (Optional)

The name of the saved mail message. If not provided, the subject of the email is used as the file name.

saveAsType ESaveMessageAsType (Optional)
The format to save the mail message as. One of the following:
  • TextOnly
  • OutlookTemplate
  • Html
  • Mht
  • OutlookMessageFormat
  • OutlookMessageFormatUnicode (Default)
replaceExisting Boolean
Whether to overwrite any existing file with the same name. If false, -1 is added to the file name.
  • SaveMail(MailMessage, string, string, ESaveMessageAsType, bool)

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