Orchestrator User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 26, 2024

Host Authentication Settings

Installation Key

The installation key is a token used to allow SSO connections to Orchestrator for integrated applications.

  1. Log in to the Management portal as a system administrator.
  2. On the Security Settings page, the current installation key is displayed and you can click the Copy icon to copy it to your clipboard:

  3. (Optional) To generate a new installation key, click Generate new.

    A success message appears from the top right indicating that a new key was generated.

External Providers

Orchestrator allows you to configure an external identity provider to control how your users sign in. The following table provides an overview of the different host-level external providers available.

Follow the instructions applicable for the external provider you want to use, as indicated below:


The instructions indicated in the below table are for a new installation or if you are configuring one of the external providers for the first time.

If you upgraded Orchestrator and were already using one or more of the external providers listed below, the configuration is migrated, but you might need to perform some re-configuration tasks. If so, follow the instructions in Re-configuring authentication after upgrade instead.

External Provider Integration


Directory Search

User Provisioning

Users can use SSO with Windows Authentication using the Kerberos protocol

Administrators can search for users from the Active Directory

Users must be assigned a role in the Orchestrator tenant. Active Directory users and groups can be assigned a role via directory search.

Users can use SSO with Azure AD using the OpenID Connect protocol

Not supported

Users must be manually provisioned into the Orchestrator tenant with an email address matching their Azure AD account.

Users can use SSO with Google using the OpenID Connect protocol

Not supported

Users must be manually provisioned into the Orchestrator tenant with an email address matching their Google account.

Users can use SSO with any Identity Provider that supports SAML

Not supported

Users must be manually provisioned into the Orchestrator tenant with a username matching their SAML account.

Note: Differences between integrating Azure AD at host-level and organization-level: The host-level Azure AD external identity provider only enables SSO functionality. The organization-level Azure AD integration enables SSO, directory search, and automatic user provisioning.


To configure security options for your Orchestrator installation, in the Orchestrator host portal, go to Security Settings and, under Basic sign-in, click Edit password policy.

The settings you specify here, at the host level, are inherited by all organizations in your installation as default, but organization administrators can overwrite these settings as needed at the level of the individual organization.

Password Complexity

Note: Editing the Password complexity settings does not affect existing passwords.



Special characters

Select to force users to include at least one special character in their password.

By default, this checkbox is not selected.

Lowercase characters

Select to force users to include at least one lowercase character in their password.

By default, this checkbox is selected.

Uppercase characters

Select to force users to include at least one uppercase character in their password.

By default, this checkbox is not selected.


Select to force users to include at least one digit in their password.

By default, this checkbox is selected.

Minimum password length

Specify the minimum number of characters a password should contain.

By default, it is 8. The length must be set between 1 and 256 characters.

Days before password expiration

Specify the number of days for which the password is available. After this period, the password expires and needs to be changed.

The minimum accepted value is 0 (the password never expires), and the maximum is 1000 days.

Number of times a password can be reused

The minimum accepted value is 0 (never allow reusing a password), while the maximum is 10.

Change password on the first login

If set to Required, users that log in for the first time must change their password before being allowed to access Orchestrator.

If set to Not required, users can log in and continue to use the admin-defined password until it expires.

Account Lockout



Enabled or Disabled toggle

If enabled, locks the account for a specific amount of seconds after a specific amount of failed login attempts. This also applies to the password change feature.

Account lockout duration

The number of seconds a user needs to wait before being allowed to log in again after exceeding the Consecutive login attempts before lockout.

The default value is 5 minutes. The minimum accepted value is 0 (no lockout duration), and the maximum is 2592000 (1 month).

Consecutive login attempts before lockout

The number of failed login attempts allowed before the account is locked.

The default value is 10 attempts. You can set a value between 2 and 10.

  • Installation Key
  • External Providers
  • Security
  • Password Complexity
  • Account Lockout

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