Orchestrator User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 26, 2024

Allocating Host Licenses to Tenants

If you have a pool of user, robot, and service licenses at the host level, you can allocate a custom number of those licenses to your organizations, thus licensing those organizations.

For more information about the types of licenses, see About licensing.

After you allocate licenses to organizations, organization administrators can further allocate those licenses to the accounts and tenants in their organization, as needed.

  • The instructions on this page are for system administrators and refer to license allocation at the host level.

    If you are an Orchestrator administrator, see Licensing instead.

  • The amount of time it takes for changes to license allocation for an organization to be propagated to the Orchestrator tenant and to AI Center is set by the License.Cache.Expiration.Minutes parameter and it is set to 5 minutes by default. Do not change this setting to avoid causing configuration errors.

Allocating Licenses to Organizations

  1. Log in to the Orchestrator host portal as a system administrator and navigate to the License page.
  2. At the right end of an organization row, click Allocate Organization Licenses docs image.

    The Allocate License panel opens at the right of the screen. Licenses are grouped in two sections: one for user licenses and another for robot and service licenses.

  3. Edit the values to allocate the required number of each type of license to the organization.

    The number of licenses that you have available in the host license pool is shown on the right.

  4. When you are done, click Save to allocate the licenses.

The allocated licenses are available within 5 minutes for the organization administrator to allocate them as needed in their organization.

Removing Host Licenses From an Organization

Important: Doing this leaves the organization as unlicensed and unusable.
  1. Log in to the Orchestrator host portal as a system administrator and navigate to the Organizations page.
  2. At the right end of the organization row, click docs image and select Remove License Allocation.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click Remove to confirm the action.

All licenses that were previously allocated to the organization are returned to the host license pool within 5 minutes.

Allocating Licenses to Tenants

You can only allocate licenses to tenants from the Orchestrator host portal.

Note: This section only concerns enabled tenants which are to be licensed using a joint license, the host license. You cannot allocate licenses to a tenant which is using an individual license unless you first remove it.

From the Tenants Page

  1. In the Tenants page, click the More Actions button for a tenant and select Allocate Licenses.

    The Allocate Licenses window opens.

    Note: If the tenant is individually licensed you must first remove the existing license before starting to allocate new ones.

    At the end of each row, in blue you can see the number of available licenses out of the total number at host level.
  2. Edit the values on the left to allocate licenses as needed, keeping in mind that you cannot exceed the total number available.
  3. Click Allocate.

The Tenants page updates to reflect your changes.

From the License Page

  1. Click Allocate in the top right.

    The Allocate licenses to tenant window opens.

  2. From the Tenant list, select the tenant to which you want to allocate licenses.
  3. Edit the values on the left to allocate licenses as needed, as long as they are within the limit of each category.

  4. Click Allocate.

    The License page updates to reflect your changes.

Removing Tenant Licenses

From the Tenants Page

This page is only available at host level.

  1. In the Tenants page, click the More Actions button next to the desired tenant and select Allocate Licenses.

    The Allocate Licenses window opens.

  2. To remove all allocated licenses from the tenant, click Remove.
  3. When prompted, click OK to confirm.

    The values for all license types change to 0.

  4. Click Close.

    The Tenants page updates to reflect your changes, and the License column shows Unlicensed for the tenant.

From the License Page

At Tenant Level

  1. In the License page, click Remove in the top right.
  2. When prompted, click OK to confirm.

    Your license is deleted. The License page now shows your tenant as Unlicensed.

At Host Level

  1. In the License page, click the Allocate in the top right.

    The Allocate licenses to tenant window opens.

  2. Select the tenant from the Tenants list.
  3. To remove all allocated licenses from the tenant, click Remove.
  4. When prompted, click OK to confirm.

    The values for all license types change to 0.

  5. Click Close.

    The Tenants page updates to reflect your changes.

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