重要 :
Communications Mining 开发者指南
Last updated 2024年11月7日

Exchange 与 Azure 应用程序身份验证集成


This step-by-step guide will show you a popular method for creating a Microsoft Exchange application for Communications Mining in your Azure Cloud Platform. You'll learn how to create an Application (client) with an ID and Client Secret, and find your existing Directory (tenant) ID. This will allow users to access Exchange mailbox integrations in Communications Mining.


无法在 Azure 中创建 Exchange-Communications Mining 应用程序可能会导致权限错误,从而阻止用户访问其邮箱集成。 要获得 Communications Mining 的全部优势,请按照以下步骤完成整个流程。

The Integration Process—step by step

  1. Sign in with Azure.
    登录到您的 Azure Cloud Portal。
  2. Register a new application for Communications Mining.

    Access the App Registrations menu and select the New Registration option.

    1. Enter an application name—for example reinfer-exchange-integration.
    2. Under Supported account types, select the single tenant option.
    3. Hit Register to complete the registration.

    Azure will give you an Application (client) ID and a Directory (tenant)ID.

  3. Create a Client Secret for your Communications Mining application.

    To keep your application secure, you must create a Client Secret to log intoyour application. First, click on Certificates & Secrets under the Manage sidebar, then follow the steps below:

    1. Select the Client secrets option if it's not already selected.
    2. Select New client secret.

    3. In the sidebar, add an easily recognizable description and select an expiry date—we recommend 12 months.
    4. Hit Add.

    现在,您已为 Communications Mining 应用程序创建了一个密码值。

    Note: Azure will only display this Secret Value to you once, so make sure to copy it. If you ever lose your secret value, simply complete Step 3 again to create a new one.
  4. 设置 API 权限
    1. Navigate to API permissions under the Manage sidebar.
    2. 选择“添加权限”

    3. Select APIs my organization uses.

    4. Search for and select "Office 365 Exchange Online"
    5. Select "Application Permissions"

    6. Select the option "full_access_as_app"
    7. 点击“添加权限

    8. Back in the API permissions menu, hit Grant admin consent for Communications Mining.
    9. In the Grant admin consent confirmation pop-up, select Yes.

  5. Restrict access to the mailbox with a conditional access policy
    At this point, you will likely want to limit the applications permissions so that it can only access certain mailboxes within your organisation. To learn how to do this, read Microsoft's article Limiting application permissions to specific Exchange Online mailboxes.
  6. 登录 Communications Mining
    Sign into Communications Mining through UiPath Automation Cloud as usual.
  7. 在 Communications Mining 中创建新集成
    1. Navigate to the Integrations page through the settings cog at the top right.
    2. Select New Integration.

    3. Select an existing project and enter a name for your integration, and add a title if desired.
    4. 单击“继续”

    5. Populate your oauth authority using the tenant ID generated in Step 2, in the following format:{tenant_id}.
    6. Populate your client ID generated in Step 2.
    7. Populate your Client Secret generated in Step 3.
    8. Select the option With application access.
    9. Click Validate & Save Credentials to check that your credentials are valid.
    10. 单击“继续”

    11. Click Add Mailbox to open the mailbox form.
    12. Enter the email address for which you wish to copy emails into Communications Mining.
    13. Click Add Mailbox again to save the mailbox.
    14. Click Create Integration.


现在,您已通过 Azure 成功创建 Communications Mining 和 Microsoft Exchange 之间的集成。 您可以通过单击“集成”页面右上角的开关来禁用集成。 如要将其删除,请选择回收站图标。

您还可以在 Exchange 集成上在邮箱级别启用附件同步。 然后,流 API 通过附件引用使附件可检索。 请在附件使用 Exchange 集成页面中查看有关同步附件的更多信息。

如果您对集成流程有任何疑问或需要帮助,请联系 UiPath 支持团队。


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