Studio User Guide
Last updated Sep 23, 2024

Auto-generated Test Data

Important: Experimental feature


You can use automatically generated test data to execute test cases using various sequences of data. Different data combinations can be used for both RPA and application testing.

How it works

Consider an example where you create multiple argument types (e.g., Int32, Bool, String) for an If decision tree. You use the auto-generate feature to generate values for your test cases to cover as many paths as possible during execution.

As part of symbolic execution, the workflow is interpreted and provided with values based on your arguments. The generated values will solve any conditional branch in the workflow.

When to use auto-generated test data

  • Generate values to solve workflow conditions (e.g., If, Switch).
  • Assign values to arguments and variables.
  • Argument comparison with values or other arguments.
Important: RPA and application testing with auto-generated data should not be used for scenarios with a large number of dependencies, variables and workflow paths that need to be covered.

Supported argument types











Supported operations

  • All boolean and numeric operations.
  • For loops, a pass-at-least-once strategy is used that attempts to go through the loop at least one time.
  • For strings, data is generated for the following functions: Contains, Equals, StartsWith, EndsWith, Concat.

Adding auto-generated test data

  • Update Testing Activities package to version 22.4.
  • Create or use an existing automated workflow.
  • Create arguments as parameters for auto-generated test data. See Supported argument types.

When you select Auto Generate as data source for your test data, a data table is generated with default values based on your arguments. A column is created for every argument where the first data row shows the default values.

  1. Right-click an existing workflow and select Create Test Case.
  2. Enter a name for your test case and change the default location, if required.
  3. (Optional) Add test case to execution template.
  4. In the Test Data tab, click Source and select Auto Generate from the dropdown list.
  5. Select the columns that you want to add.
  6. (Optional) Edit the data table values or delete entire rows and columns.
  7. (Optional) Click Add Row to generate another row of default values. You can edit the values.
  8. Click OK to confirm.

    The data is generated and added to the test case. You can access the data through the arguments.

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