- Introdução
- Melhores práticas
- Tenant
- Sobre o contexto do tenant
- Pesquisa de recursos em um tenant
- Gerenciamento de robôs
- Conectar Robôs ao Orchestrator
- Armazenamento de credenciais do robô no CyberArk
- Armazenamento de senhas do Unattended Robot no Azure Key Vault (somente leitura)
- Armazenamento de credenciais do Unattended Robot no HashiCorp Vault (somente leitura)
- Armazenando credenciais de Unattended Robots no AWS Secrets Manager (somente leitura)
- Exclusão de sessões não assistidas desconectadas e não responsivas
- Autenticação do robô
- Autenticação de robôs com credenciais de cliente
- Autenticação do SmartCard
- Auditar
- Tipos de eventos
- Gerenciamento de webhooks
- Configurações - Nível do tenant
- Serviço Catálogo de recursos
- Automation Suite Robots
- Contexto de Pastas
- Automações
- Processos
- Trabalhos
- Gatilhos
- Logs
- Monitoramento
- Filas
- Ativos
- Armazenar Buckets
- Test Suite - Orchestrator
- Integrações
- Robôs Clássicos
- Solução de problemas

Guia do usuário do Orchestrator
Tipos de eventos
A seguir está a descrição de todos os eventos nos quais você pode se inscrever no Orchestrator e quando eles são disparados. Além disso, exemplos das informações que você pode receber, também conhecidos como uma carga, estão disponíveis para cada tipo de evento.
Acionado pela criação de um ou vários trabalhos que estão pendentes de execução. Esse evento de webhook não é enviado para um sistema externo se um robô o acionar.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "job.created",
"EventId": "78936220",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:04:53.8462094Z",
"StartInfo": {
"ReleaseKey": "7d1cac2a-ac58-4c21-8b8a-2e35b0d10b68",
"Strategy": "JobsCount",
"RobotIds": [1],
"JobsCount": 1,
"Source": "Manual"
"Jobs": {
"Id": 24704204,
"Key": "353d5b32-4749-4738-850c-48f94eb6fc6b",
"State": "Pending",
"Source": "Manual",
"SourceType": "Manual",
"BatchExecutionKey": "31d513d3-09aa-4c9c-998c-35f730fcfa83",
"ReleaseName": "bulk edit",
"Type": "Unattended",
"Robot": {
"Id": 1,
"Name": "bench-zdqlGiDEkM",
"MachineId": 77,
"MachineName": "bench-ryenclhIkV",
"Description": "FPZuy",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "oqkMV",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Release": {
"Id": 359,
"Key": "0237af09-80a9-450b-b3a0-20c15dd308fa",
"ProcessKey": "RunUntilStoppedManually",
"ProcessVersion": "",
"Name": "RunUntilStoppedManually_all",
"Description": "",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"InputArguments": null
"InputArguments": null,
"OutputArguments": null
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "job.created",
"EventId": "78936220",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:04:53.8462094Z",
"StartInfo": {
"ReleaseKey": "7d1cac2a-ac58-4c21-8b8a-2e35b0d10b68",
"Strategy": "JobsCount",
"RobotIds": [1],
"JobsCount": 1,
"Source": "Manual"
"Jobs": {
"Id": 24704204,
"Key": "353d5b32-4749-4738-850c-48f94eb6fc6b",
"State": "Pending",
"Source": "Manual",
"SourceType": "Manual",
"BatchExecutionKey": "31d513d3-09aa-4c9c-998c-35f730fcfa83",
"ReleaseName": "bulk edit",
"Type": "Unattended",
"Robot": {
"Id": 1,
"Name": "bench-zdqlGiDEkM",
"MachineId": 77,
"MachineName": "bench-ryenclhIkV",
"Description": "FPZuy",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "oqkMV",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Release": {
"Id": 359,
"Key": "0237af09-80a9-450b-b3a0-20c15dd308fa",
"ProcessKey": "RunUntilStoppedManually",
"ProcessVersion": "",
"Name": "RunUntilStoppedManually_all",
"Description": "",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"InputArguments": null
"InputArguments": null,
"OutputArguments": null
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Disparado quando a execução de um trabalho foi iniciada em um robô.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "job.started",
"EventId": "816648dda7394ef7804b5c893ff1c58a",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T13:49:33.4532871Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148649,
"Key": "da8fe505-d2a7-4546-b723-cf58807d69ad",
"State": "Running",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T13:49:33.4432884Z",
"Info": "Waiting for execution to start...",
"OutputArguments": null,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 353,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "job.started",
"EventId": "816648dda7394ef7804b5c893ff1c58a",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T13:49:33.4532871Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148649,
"Key": "da8fe505-d2a7-4546-b723-cf58807d69ad",
"State": "Running",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T13:49:33.4432884Z",
"Info": "Waiting for execution to start...",
"OutputArguments": null,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 353,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Esse evento é disparado quando a execução de um trabalho falhou, independentemente do motivo.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "job.faulted",
"EventId": "ec5afc6f07254520b8a6d31036b96975",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:14:26.2879878Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148671,
"Key": "9cc6c2e4-237d-42f6-8cb8-43010652fb22",
"State": "Faulted",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:25.637Z",
"EndTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:26.2529616Z",
"Info": "This workflow always fails\r\
An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:\
System.InvalidOperationException: This workflow always fails\
at System.Activities.Statements.Throw.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)\r\
at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager\r\
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)\r\
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)",
"OutputArguments": {},
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 358,
"Key": "8fad9c36-237b-49a6-a939-47963fb8099a",
"ProcessKey": "FailingJob"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "job.faulted",
"EventId": "ec5afc6f07254520b8a6d31036b96975",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:14:26.2879878Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148671,
"Key": "9cc6c2e4-237d-42f6-8cb8-43010652fb22",
"State": "Faulted",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:25.637Z",
"EndTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:26.2529616Z",
"Info": "This workflow always fails\r\
An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:\
System.InvalidOperationException: This workflow always fails\
at System.Activities.Statements.Throw.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)\r\
at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager\r\
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)\r\
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)",
"OutputArguments": {},
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 358,
"Key": "8fad9c36-237b-49a6-a939-47963fb8099a",
"ProcessKey": "FailingJob"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Esse evento é gerado apenas quando a execução de um trabalho foi concluída com sucesso.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "job.completed",
"EventId": "15412ff77dce4d489fc32c273862839b",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:41.9292205Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148712,
"Key": "d7a77655-3245-4d97-b127-04b3abebc439",
"State": "Successful",
"StartTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:25.433Z",
"EndTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:45.2861846Z",
"Info": "Job completed",
"OutputArguments": {
"product": 5000,
"sum": 150,
"diff": 50
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 357,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d762-4feb-98ec-d43534ef9f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "job.completed",
"EventId": "15412ff77dce4d489fc32c273862839b",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:41.9292205Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148712,
"Key": "d7a77655-3245-4d97-b127-04b3abebc439",
"State": "Successful",
"StartTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:25.433Z",
"EndTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:45.2861846Z",
"Info": "Job completed",
"OutputArguments": {
"product": 5000,
"sum": 150,
"diff": 50
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 357,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d762-4feb-98ec-d43534ef9f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Esse evento é disparado quando um usuário interrompe um trabalho manualmente.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "job.stopped",
"EventId": "78936483",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.6939258Z",
"Jobs": [
"Id": 24704204,
"Key": "353d5b32-4749-4738-850c-48f94eb6fc6b",
"State": "Stopped",
"StartTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.653Z",
"EndTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.653Z",
"OutputArguments": null,
"Robot": {
"Id": 0
"Release": {
"Id": 44753,
"Key": "3c2ec9b7-123c-41c1-af1d-8e71243125e7",
"ProcessKey": "BulkForm"
"TenantId": 3558,
"OrganizationUnitId": 8972,
"UserId": 25450
"Type": "job.stopped",
"EventId": "78936483",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.6939258Z",
"Jobs": [
"Id": 24704204,
"Key": "353d5b32-4749-4738-850c-48f94eb6fc6b",
"State": "Stopped",
"StartTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.653Z",
"EndTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.653Z",
"OutputArguments": null,
"Robot": {
"Id": 0
"Release": {
"Id": 44753,
"Key": "3c2ec9b7-123c-41c1-af1d-8e71243125e7",
"ProcessKey": "BulkForm"
"TenantId": 3558,
"OrganizationUnitId": 8972,
"UserId": 25450
Esse evento é disparado quando um trabalho é suspenso por meio de um fluxo de trabalho de longa execução.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "job.suspended",
"EventId": "15412ff77dce4d489fc32c273862839b",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:41.9292205Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148712,
"Key": "d7a77655-3245-4d97-b127-04b3abebc439",
"State": "Successful",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T14:37:25.433Z",
"EndTime": "2018-11-26T14:37:26.2861846Z",
"Info": "Job completed",
"OutputArguments": {
"product": 5000,
"sum": 150,
"diff": 50
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 357,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d762-4feb-98ec-d43534ef9f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "job.suspended",
"EventId": "15412ff77dce4d489fc32c273862839b",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:41.9292205Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148712,
"Key": "d7a77655-3245-4d97-b127-04b3abebc439",
"State": "Successful",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T14:37:25.433Z",
"EndTime": "2018-11-26T14:37:26.2861846Z",
"Info": "Job completed",
"OutputArguments": {
"product": 5000,
"sum": 150,
"diff": 50
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 357,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d762-4feb-98ec-d43534ef9f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
ou o FolderId
na carga, enquanto os das pastas modernas não os incluirão. No modelo moderno, os robôs não são criados dentro de nenhuma pasta específica.Leia mais sobre os robôs provisionados automaticamente aqui.
Disparado quando um novo robô for criado na sua instância do Orchestrator.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "robot.created",
"EventId": "a1f904c0de844dd1811581a176dde54f",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:20:37.6962672Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 5769,
"Name": "TestDocBot",
"MachineId": 618,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "robot description",
"UserName": "uipath\)\)\)
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard",
"Environments": [],
"ExecutionSettings": {
"TracingLevelState": true,
"TracingLevel": "Off",
"StudioNotifyServerState": true,
"StudioNotifyServer": true,
"LoginToConsoleState": false,
"ResolutionWidthState": true,
"ResolutionWidth": "1555",
"ResolutionHeightState": true,
"ResolutionHeight": "9001",
"ResolutionDepthState": false,
"FontSmoothingState": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "robot.created",
"EventId": "a1f904c0de844dd1811581a176dde54f",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:20:37.6962672Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 5769,
"Name": "TestDocBot",
"MachineId": 618,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "robot description",
"UserName": "uipath\)\)\)
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard",
"Environments": [],
"ExecutionSettings": {
"TracingLevelState": true,
"TracingLevel": "Off",
"StudioNotifyServerState": true,
"StudioNotifyServer": true,
"LoginToConsoleState": false,
"ResolutionWidthState": true,
"ResolutionWidth": "1555",
"ResolutionHeightState": true,
"ResolutionHeight": "9001",
"ResolutionDepthState": false,
"FontSmoothingState": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Esse evento é acionado quando um usuário do Orchestrator altera os detalhes de um robô.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "robot.updated",
"EventId": "1b4cc368aa204a2291d036ce7ad659ff",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:21:28.0199575Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 225,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineId": 150,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "A robot for documentation.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "TkqRA",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard",
"ExecutionSettings": {
"TracingLevelState": true,
"TracingLevel": "Error",
"StudioNotifyServerState": true,
"StudioNotifyServer": true,
"LoginToConsoleState": true,
"LoginToConsole": false,
"ResolutionWidthState": true,
"ResolutionWidth": "1200",
"ResolutionHeightState": true,
"ResolutionHeight": "1600",
"ResolutionDepthState": false,
"FontSmoothingState": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "robot.updated",
"EventId": "1b4cc368aa204a2291d036ce7ad659ff",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:21:28.0199575Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 225,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineId": 150,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "A robot for documentation.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "TkqRA",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard",
"ExecutionSettings": {
"TracingLevelState": true,
"TracingLevel": "Error",
"StudioNotifyServerState": true,
"StudioNotifyServer": true,
"LoginToConsoleState": true,
"LoginToConsole": false,
"ResolutionWidthState": true,
"ResolutionWidth": "1200",
"ResolutionHeightState": true,
"ResolutionHeight": "1600",
"ResolutionDepthState": false,
"FontSmoothingState": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Esse evento será disparado quando um robô for excluído na sua instância do Orchestrator.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "robot.deleted",
"EventId": "c8401e57449a4b83a44e35a35be0738b",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:19:18.2038517Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 159,
"Name": "TestAPI",
"MachineId": 117,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "This is an API test.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Id": 169,
"Name": "DocBot,
"MachineId": 122,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "For testing purposes.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Id": 171,
"Name": "bench-iFPcNQWYGQ",
"MachineId": 123,
"MachineName": "PC-unAUMfGFGj",
"Description": "Testing robot.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "robot.deleted",
"EventId": "c8401e57449a4b83a44e35a35be0738b",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:19:18.2038517Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 159,
"Name": "TestAPI",
"MachineId": 117,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "This is an API test.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Id": 169,
"Name": "DocBot,
"MachineId": 122,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "For testing purposes.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Id": 171,
"Name": "bench-iFPcNQWYGQ",
"MachineId": 123,
"MachineName": "PC-unAUMfGFGj",
"Description": "Testing robot.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Um evento que você pode assinar e receber notificações quando o status de um robô for alterado.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "robot.status",
"EventId": "980f4053fd6e4c04a3526d61cd80a7eb",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:12:30.7943064Z",
"Sessions": [
"SessionId": 4778,
"RobotId": 4778,
"HostMachineName": "PC-DOC",
"State": "Busy",
"ReportingTime": "2018-11-26T14:12:30.7463063Z",
"IsUnresponsive": false
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "robot.status",
"EventId": "980f4053fd6e4c04a3526d61cd80a7eb",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:12:30.7943064Z",
"Sessions": [
"SessionId": 4778,
"RobotId": 4778,
"HostMachineName": "PC-DOC",
"State": "Busy",
"ReportingTime": "2018-11-26T14:12:30.7463063Z",
"IsUnresponsive": false
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
quando um robô desconecta.
Você receberá notificações para esse evento quando uma nova fila for criada.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "queue.created",
"EventId": "d20b0839229443e8ab36c8fbb7cc8953",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:31:14.4357176Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This the description of the queue.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "queue.created",
"EventId": "d20b0839229443e8ab36c8fbb7cc8953",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:31:14.4357176Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This the description of the queue.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Uma carga é enviada para a URL indicada quando a definição da fila tiver sido alterada.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "queue.updated",
"EventId": "cc859a30057d430d97acb1c4da33c183",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:31:45.3594898Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This is an update to the queue description.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "queue.updated",
"EventId": "cc859a30057d430d97acb1c4da33c183",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:31:45.3594898Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This is an update to the queue description.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Esse evento será disparado quando uma fila for excluída da sua instância do Orchestrator.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "queue.deleted",
"EventId": "056a9c975ae84f99a2fcb5361349679b",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:32:09.1778423Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This is an update to the queue description.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "queue.deleted",
"EventId": "056a9c975ae84f99a2fcb5361349679b",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:32:09.1778423Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This is an update to the queue description.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Um evento disparado quando um item for adicionado a uma fila.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "queueItem.added",
"EventId": "9314c897bcb14bcfaa9d1f5752793153",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.2113498Z",
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"QueueItems": [
"Id": 22135,
"Key": "0e7fd9f2-5063-4ab4-a43e-5c3bf5ce6546",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "InProgress",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.1963476Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.1963476Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "Jane Doe",
"field2": 125123,
"field3": false,
"field4": "janedoe@work.com"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
"Type": "queueItem.added",
"EventId": "9314c897bcb14bcfaa9d1f5752793153",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.2113498Z",
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"QueueItems": [
"Id": 22135,
"Key": "0e7fd9f2-5063-4ab4-a43e-5c3bf5ce6546",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "InProgress",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.1963476Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.1963476Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "Jane Doe",
"field2": 125123,
"field3": false,
"field4": "janedoe@work.com"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
Você começa a receber notificações para este evento em uma URL personalizada ao começar a processar itens da fila.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "queueItem.transactionStarted",
"EventId": "49ff13b6ad4e47d58a8d3e47a771cb15",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4332911Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22170,
"Key": "db36add9-dcde-4b79-83ac-bfb8ed0764e2",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "InProgress",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4182874Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4182874Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "A string",
"field2": 35125,
"field3": true
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
"Type": "queueItem.transactionStarted",
"EventId": "49ff13b6ad4e47d58a8d3e47a771cb15",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4332911Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22170,
"Key": "db36add9-dcde-4b79-83ac-bfb8ed0764e2",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "InProgress",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4182874Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4182874Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "A string",
"field2": 35125,
"field3": true
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
Esse evento será disparado se uma transação tiver sido processada.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "queueItem.transactionCompleted",
"EventId": "916b1272c7714e92987788cab760cff3",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.3948142Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22193,
"Key": "398a6d1f-615f-499c-86d3-ee325ab865b4",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "Successful",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.127Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.127Z",
"EndProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.3858151Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineId": 2229,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Version": "",
"UserName": "UIPATH\\doc.test",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "Jane Doe",
"field2": 125123,
"field3": false,
"field4": "janedoe@work.com"
"Output": {
"PetName": "Ksiusha",
"NrOfLegs": 4
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
"Type": "queueItem.transactionCompleted",
"EventId": "916b1272c7714e92987788cab760cff3",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.3948142Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22193,
"Key": "398a6d1f-615f-499c-86d3-ee325ab865b4",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "Successful",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.127Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.127Z",
"EndProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.3858151Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineId": 2229,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Version": "",
"UserName": "UIPATH\\doc.test",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "Jane Doe",
"field2": 125123,
"field3": false,
"field4": "janedoe@work.com"
"Output": {
"PetName": "Ksiusha",
"NrOfLegs": 4
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
Uma carga é enviada para sua URL personalizada se um item da fila falhar com uma exceção de aplicativo ou negócios.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "queueItem.transactionFailed",
"EventId": "6fe77f39c7f544a0a6fb0dd29842d7d7",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.9632204Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22160,
"Key": "e855153c-6b4d-441a-82b5-3d4585214485",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "Failed",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"ProcessingException": {
"Reason": "Failed",
"Details": "Error during Heartbeat Status shutdown flushCastle.MicroKernel.ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service UiPath.Core.Caching.IHeartbeatStatusFlush was found",
"Type": "BusinessException"
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.54Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.54Z",
"EndProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.7942218Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineId": 2229,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Version": "",
"UserName": "UIPATH\\doc.test",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "A string",
"field2": 35125,
"field3": true
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
"Type": "queueItem.transactionFailed",
"EventId": "6fe77f39c7f544a0a6fb0dd29842d7d7",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.9632204Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22160,
"Key": "e855153c-6b4d-441a-82b5-3d4585214485",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "Failed",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"ProcessingException": {
"Reason": "Failed",
"Details": "Error during Heartbeat Status shutdown flushCastle.MicroKernel.ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service UiPath.Core.Caching.IHeartbeatStatusFlush was found",
"Type": "BusinessException"
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.54Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.54Z",
"EndProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.7942218Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineId": 2229,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Version": "",
"UserName": "UIPATH\\doc.test",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "A string",
"field2": 35125,
"field3": true
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
Esse evento envia notificações quando um item da fila for abandonado (não for processado por 24 horas).
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "queueItem.transactionAbandoned",
"EventId": "2121093386",
"Timestamp": "2024-03-20T13:06:03.1846774Z",
"Queue": {
"Id": 896791,
"Name": "Queue_01",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 1,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false,
"SlaInMinutes": 0,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 0
"QueueItems": [
"Id": 420596584,
"Key": "b6bb7f83-5ffb-457c-bc46-ec7f607665f9",
"QueueDefinitionId": 896791,
"Status": "Abandoned",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "Normal",
"CreationTime": "2024-03-19T13:02:20.253Z",
"StartProcessing": "2024-03-19T13:02:20.48Z",
"EndProcessing": "2024-03-20T13:06:00.713Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0
"TenantId": 1007320,
"OrganizationUnitId": 5084041
"Type": "queueItem.transactionAbandoned",
"EventId": "2121093386",
"Timestamp": "2024-03-20T13:06:03.1846774Z",
"Queue": {
"Id": 896791,
"Name": "Queue_01",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 1,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false,
"SlaInMinutes": 0,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 0
"QueueItems": [
"Id": 420596584,
"Key": "b6bb7f83-5ffb-457c-bc46-ec7f607665f9",
"QueueDefinitionId": 896791,
"Status": "Abandoned",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "Normal",
"CreationTime": "2024-03-19T13:02:20.253Z",
"StartProcessing": "2024-03-19T13:02:20.48Z",
"EndProcessing": "2024-03-20T13:06:00.713Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0
"TenantId": 1007320,
"OrganizationUnitId": 5084041
O destino indicado recebe uma carga quando um novo processo é criado em suas instâncias do Orchestrator.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "process.created",
"EventId": "aa55eb899ed241cdbeb6b6ef417f1dd5",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:22:58.44896Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 363,
"Key": "8a3db114-69c3-4b67-a8e7-7a5985bde461",
"ProcessKey": "BlankProcess_2",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6899.31694",
"Name": "BlankProcess_2_all",
"Description": "BlankProcess description",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"InputArguments": {
"a": "arg_value_a",
"b": "arg_value_b"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "process.created",
"EventId": "aa55eb899ed241cdbeb6b6ef417f1dd5",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:22:58.44896Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 363,
"Key": "8a3db114-69c3-4b67-a8e7-7a5985bde461",
"ProcessKey": "BlankProcess_2",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6899.31694",
"Name": "BlankProcess_2_all",
"Description": "BlankProcess description",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"InputArguments": {
"a": "arg_value_a",
"b": "arg_value_b"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Esse evento será disparado quando um processo for atualizado.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "process.updated",
"EventId": "dc61eec5aad148c5817036b3cc2f5e00",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:25:27.5423521Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 353,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6904.29557",
"Name": "Doc_AllEvents_3bf688c8-01e",
"Description": "",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"Environment": {
"Id": 1,
"Name": "3bf688c8-01e"
"InputArguments": {
"queue": "temp"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "process.updated",
"EventId": "dc61eec5aad148c5817036b3cc2f5e00",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:25:27.5423521Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 353,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6904.29557",
"Name": "Doc_AllEvents_3bf688c8-01e",
"Description": "",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"Environment": {
"Id": 1,
"Name": "3bf688c8-01e"
"InputArguments": {
"queue": "temp"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
A URL especificada recebe notificações quando um processo é removido.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "process.deleted",
"EventId": "0766775e9f6847818a6b04c6465c9a8f",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:27:32.2656118Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 363,
"Key": "8a3db114-69c3-4b67-a8e7-7a5985bde461",
"ProcessKey": "BlankProcess_2",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6899.31694",
"Name": "BlankProcess_2_all",
"Description": "BlankProcess description",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"Environment": {
"Id": 332,
"Name": "all"
"InputArguments": {
"a": "arg_value_a",
"b": "arg_value_b"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "process.deleted",
"EventId": "0766775e9f6847818a6b04c6465c9a8f",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:27:32.2656118Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 363,
"Key": "8a3db114-69c3-4b67-a8e7-7a5985bde461",
"ProcessKey": "BlankProcess_2",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6899.31694",
"Name": "BlankProcess_2_all",
"Description": "BlankProcess description",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"Environment": {
"Id": 332,
"Name": "all"
"InputArguments": {
"a": "arg_value_a",
"b": "arg_value_b"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Iniciados quando a execução de um gatilho tiver falhado.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "schedule.failed",
"EventId": "990cfc99f9174d70a6831f06f42d36dd",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:13:05.4013596Z",
"ProcessSchedule": {
"Id": 134,
"Name": "aProcess",
"Enabled": true,
"EnvironmentId": "1",
"EnvironmentName": "3bf688c8-01e",
"StartProcessCron": "5/20 * * * * ? *",
"StartStrategy": "Specific",
"ExternalJobKey": "b8abfb7d-22ef-4b90-9976-d85da1d3ce63",
"TimeZoneId": "UTC",
"TimeZoneIana": "Etc/UTC",
"UseCalendar": false,
"Release": {
"Id": 134,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d702-4feb-98ec-d43534ef0f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"ExecutorRobots": [],
"InputArguments": {
"x": 100,
"y": 50
"Reason": "The robots already have pending jobs for this Process",
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "schedule.failed",
"EventId": "2cc0ec4571f54819bb71c6c7bd81eee1",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:39:46.0357141Z",
"ProcessSchedule": {
"Id": 133,
"Name": "anotherProcess",
"Enabled": true,
"EnvironmentId": "1",
"EnvironmentName": "3bf688c8-01e",
"StartProcessCron": "0/10 * * * * ? *",
"StartStrategy": "All",
"StopStrategy": "Kill",
"ExternalJobKey": "959c00a9-8ed2-4e1a-9115-2e12a45c1ca2",
"TimeZoneId": "UTC",
"TimeZoneIana": "Etc/UTC",
"UseCalendar": false,
"Release": {
"Id": 133,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents"
"ExecutorRobots": [
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"InputArguments": {
"queue": "temp"
"Reason": "Starting jobs is not possible. A valid license is required.",
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "schedule.failed",
"EventId": "990cfc99f9174d70a6831f06f42d36dd",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:13:05.4013596Z",
"ProcessSchedule": {
"Id": 134,
"Name": "aProcess",
"Enabled": true,
"EnvironmentId": "1",
"EnvironmentName": "3bf688c8-01e",
"StartProcessCron": "5/20 * * * * ? *",
"StartStrategy": "Specific",
"ExternalJobKey": "b8abfb7d-22ef-4b90-9976-d85da1d3ce63",
"TimeZoneId": "UTC",
"TimeZoneIana": "Etc/UTC",
"UseCalendar": false,
"Release": {
"Id": 134,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d702-4feb-98ec-d43534ef0f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"ExecutorRobots": [],
"InputArguments": {
"x": 100,
"y": 50
"Reason": "The robots already have pending jobs for this Process",
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "schedule.failed",
"EventId": "2cc0ec4571f54819bb71c6c7bd81eee1",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:39:46.0357141Z",
"ProcessSchedule": {
"Id": 133,
"Name": "anotherProcess",
"Enabled": true,
"EnvironmentId": "1",
"EnvironmentName": "3bf688c8-01e",
"StartProcessCron": "0/10 * * * * ? *",
"StartStrategy": "All",
"StopStrategy": "Kill",
"ExternalJobKey": "959c00a9-8ed2-4e1a-9115-2e12a45c1ca2",
"TimeZoneId": "UTC",
"TimeZoneIana": "Etc/UTC",
"UseCalendar": false,
"Release": {
"Id": 133,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents"
"ExecutorRobots": [
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"InputArguments": {
"queue": "temp"
"Reason": "Starting jobs is not possible. A valid license is required.",
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Acionado por alterações feitas no destinatário das ações (adicionando uma nova, alterando a existente ou removendo-a).
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "task.assignmentChanged",
"EventId": "71cfbe72f1b740bdb33bf3c62a082686",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:52.3395506Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Performance Task",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Critical",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:13:50.047Z",
"Id": 209,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"AssignedToUserId": 58571
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 52454
"Type": "task.assignmentChanged",
"EventId": "71cfbe72f1b740bdb33bf3c62a082686",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:52.3395506Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Performance Task",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Critical",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:13:50.047Z",
"Id": 209,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"AssignedToUserId": 58571
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 52454
Acionado sempre que uma ação é marcada como concluída no portal Action Center.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "task.completed",
"EventId": "5b80ee1583304360ae8cbaeb85e4dbe7",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:59.317576Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Invoice Processing",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": "Completed",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:13:49.907Z",
"Id": 208,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"AssignedToUserId": 52454,
"Action": "submit"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 52454
"Type": "task.completed",
"EventId": "5b80ee1583304360ae8cbaeb85e4dbe7",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:59.317576Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Invoice Processing",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": "Completed",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:13:49.907Z",
"Id": 208,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"AssignedToUserId": 52454,
"Action": "submit"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 52454
Acionado sempre que uma nova ação é criada a partir do fluxo de trabalho ou por meio de uma API.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "task.created",
"EventId": "3d7034c0fcbf435992377e21dde3fa13",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:17.0622545Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Orchestrator is my nemesis",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": "Unassigned",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:14:17.0466387Z",
"Id": 210,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 59082
"Type": "task.created",
"EventId": "3d7034c0fcbf435992377e21dde3fa13",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:17.0622545Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Orchestrator is my nemesis",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": "Unassigned",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:14:17.0466387Z",
"Id": 210,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 59082
Acionado sempre que uma ação é salva antes de ser concluída.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "task.saved",
"EventId": "xxxxxx",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4332911Z",
"UserId": 999,
"Title": "string",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Low",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2019-08-16T07:16:25.773Z",
"TaskCatalogName": "string",
"Id": 0
"AssignedToUserId": 888,
"Action": ""
"Type": "task.saved",
"EventId": "xxxxxx",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4332911Z",
"UserId": 999,
"Title": "string",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Low",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2019-08-16T07:16:25.773Z",
"TaskCatalogName": "string",
"Id": 0
"AssignedToUserId": 888,
"Action": ""
A URL especificada recebe notificações quando uma ação é removida.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "task.deleted",
"EventId": "2",
"Timestamp": "2021-01-19T06:30:26.25",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "High prio task with Catalog",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": 3,
"CreationTime": "2020-11-27T14:47:46.647Z",
"Id": 7,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1,
"AssignedToUserId": 3,
"DeleterUserId": 3,
"DeletionTime": "2021-01-19T06:30:24.6799181Z"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 3
"Type": "task.deleted",
"EventId": "2",
"Timestamp": "2021-01-19T06:30:26.25",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "High prio task with Catalog",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": 3,
"CreationTime": "2020-11-27T14:47:46.647Z",
"Id": 7,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1,
"AssignedToUserId": 3,
"DeleterUserId": 3,
"DeletionTime": "2021-01-19T06:30:24.6799181Z"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 3
Acionado sempre que uma ação é encaminhada para outros usuários.
Exemplo de payload:
"Type": "task.forwarded",
"EventId": "12088840",
"Timestamp": "2021-01-18T05:08:40.58",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Sample Form Task",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Medium",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2020-10-28T11:17:28.023Z",
"Id": 18870,
"OrganizationUnitId": 101623,
"AssignedToUserId": 221732,
"ForwardedByUserId": 221731
"TenantId": 46729,
"OrganizationUnitId": 101623,
"UserId": 221731
"Type": "task.forwarded",
"EventId": "12088840",
"Timestamp": "2021-01-18T05:08:40.58",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Sample Form Task",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Medium",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2020-10-28T11:17:28.023Z",
"Id": 18870,
"OrganizationUnitId": 101623,
"AssignedToUserId": 221732,
"ForwardedByUserId": 221731
"TenantId": 46729,
"OrganizationUnitId": 101623,
"UserId": 221731
- Eventos do trabalho
- Job.created
- Job.started
- Job.faulted
- Job.completed
- Job.stopped
- Job.suspended
- Eventos do robô
- Robot.created
- Robot.updated
- Robot.deleted
- Robot.status
- Eventos da fila
- Queue.created
- Queue.updated
- Queue.deleted
- Eventos do QueueItem
- QueueItem.added
- QueueItem.transactionStarted
- QueueItem.transactionCompleted
- QueueItem.transactionFailed
- QueueItem.transactionAbandoned
- Eventos dos processos
- Process.created
- Process.updated
- Process.deleted
- Eventos de gatilhos
- Schedule.failed
- Eventos de ações
- Task.assignmentChanged
- Task.completed
- Task.created
- Task.saved
- Task.deleted
- Task.forwarded